Tutors in the Richard Wright Center are not professional editors. They work with students in the process of developing their ideas, and they can also offer strategies for editing and proofreading. Students seeking professional editing services may refer to the list of editors below.
Before hiring an editor, please consider consulting with your professor or advisor. You may also want to read an article by Dr. Wendy Belcher How to Hire & Work With an Academic Copyeditor.
Note: These editors are not affiliated with the Richard Wright Center, and we are not endorsing them by providing their contact information.
Chambers, Candace
601-953-3555, edwritingservices@gmail.com, www.edwritingservices.org
Editorial services for students as well as working professionals. Manuscripts include:
- Dissertations
- Resumes/ Curriculum Vitae
- Book Manuscripts
- Writing Samples
- Business Plans
Iyo, Abiye
601-594-6547, bioconsortium61@gmail.com
Scientific and biomedical writing, manuscript editing and proofreading; editing and proofreading of grant proposals; thesis/dissertation editing and proofreading; galley proof; literature search; preparation of abstracts, posters and symposia presentations; technical bulletins; reviewer responses and consultancy; basic and applied research. Style guides: MLA, APA, AP, Chicago, CSA, and other.