XXX, Navigator
Office: (601) 979-0244
Erica Gray, Navigator
Office: (601) 979-0244
Te’Jah Fuller, Administrative Assistant
Office: (601) 979-0336
Julis K. Franks, Director
Office: (601) 979-0336
Greetings Tigers!
Welcome to the Educational Opportunity Center! On behalf of TRiO Outreach, our outstanding Navigators and staff, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the TRiO Educational Opportunity Center!
Whether you join us as a new or returning participant, seeking a degree or to enrich your life or career through our many success avenues, all of our energy is devoted to your success in meeting those goals. Our dedicated professionals, as well as myself, are products of a TRiO program. We have walked the same path you will, and we are here to guide you as you manage your busy life, attend classes, and study in the state of Mississippi.
I am proud of the Educational Opportunity Center outstanding reputation for preparing participants to enter or reenter college at a pace that is viable and individualized. The navigators and I are committed to placing you in spaces that aid you in earning your bachelor’s degrees. As a participant of the TRiO EOC, we ensure that your transition to college is as seamless as possible.
Above all, each of us in the Educational Opportunity Center is committed to you, the individual participant, and your success. We are devoted to your achievement and the enrichment of our community.
I enjoy meeting each participant, and hope to personally welcome you to the program one day soon.
All the very best,
Julis K. Franks, M.Ed.