It is the purpose of this handbook to establish and maintain a uniform system for managing personnel matters; to comply with applicable state and federal employment laws as well as Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning Board Policies (IHL); and to provide the standards, terms, and conditions of employment with Jackson State University in a clear and comprehensive fashion. It is also designed to maximize the efficiency and orderliness of operations. Furthermore, it is intended by adoption and periodic amendment of these policies and procedures that they will serve as a guide for employees of Jackson State University in their routine work activities and relationships to the extent that the objectives of both Jackson State University and the individual employees can be achieved.
Jackson State University believes that the success of the University is largely due to the quality of its employees, the development of each employee's full potential, and the University's ability to provide rewarding work and appropriate recognition. The University also recognizes that employees differ in their skills, goals, perceptions, and values; and that it is basic human nature that conditions may arise that are either insufficiently addressed in the policies and procedures, or that result in conflicts. In such cases, the University will endeavor to make personnel decisions that are fair and equitable, while at all times assuring that the best interest of the University is served.
Jackson State University hereby asserts that it has the right to employ the best qualified persons available; that the continuation of employment is based on the need for work to be performed, availability of revenues, consistent and effective performance, proper personal conduct, continuing commitment and compatibility of employees; and that all employees are terminable at will unless otherwise specified in writing as a prescribed employment term. Employees deserve to be fully informed of their duties and responsibilities; to be provided with adequate administrative and supervisory direction; to be informed of their performance levels; to be compensated based on the value of their contributions; to be provided training; to be considered for promotional opportunities; and to be treated with dignity and respect at all times.
The policies and procedures set forth in this handbook prescribe the terms, conditions, and standards of personnel operations and practices for Jackson State University, the content of which is neither contractually binding upon the University nor restrictive in terms of amendment or interpretation by the University. Employees are expected to acquaint themselves fully with the content of this handbook (whether online or in paper format) and to establish an employment relationship based on a complete understanding of Jackson State University’s personnel requirements, expectations, and methods of conducting employment matters.
It is the goal of Jackson State University to provide a meaningful and rewarding work experience for all employees. We encourage employee participation in all matters that affect their work; and employees are encouraged to offer constructive ideas and suggestions for improvement to these policies, employment practices, and changes in working conditions to enhance their total work experience.
Robin Pack
Executive Director of Human Resources