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2.5.4 Grant and Contract Employees

Grants and Contract employees are hired for a position where funds are provided through external funding in the form of a contract or grant.  Employees in this category are entitled to Jackson State University benefits according to their employment status; i.e., full-time, part-time, or temporary. 
In accordance with the United States Office of Management and Budget (O.M.B.) Circular A-21.J.6.a., all full-time faculty and staff employed at Jackson State University through Contracts and Grants are afforded all fringe benefits of the University.  Benefits must be consistently applied to individuals who are in the employment of the University regardless of whether they are paid from the Educational and General (E & G) budget or external grants and contracts.  All policies relative to personnel and leave time for which payment is received or leave taken by the employee must be consistent throughout the University.
All Contracts and Grant employees will be afforded the following leave benefits:

Staff Employees:

  • All 12-month Contract and Grant staff will accrue Personal and Major Medical Leave in accordance with the established University leave accrual rate.

  • All 12-month Contract and Grant staff employees will be paid for up to 240-hours of accrued Personal leave upon termination from state service.

  • All unused Personal and Major Medical Leave for Contract and Grant staff, in excess of 240 hours, at termination from state service, will be forwarded to the State Public Employees’ Retirement System to be applied toward creditable state retirement service.

Terminal Leave Payments:

Terminal Leave payments to Contract and Grant staff will be paid from Grant fund sources when at all possible.  These funds should be built into the fringe benefit costs at the inception of the Grant.  However, if the Grant is unable to fund Terminal leave payments, then the Terminal leave will be paid from the University’s designated account entitled:  Terminal Leave / Grants.
Employees hired into a Contract and Grant will be allowed to transfer accrued Personal and Major Medical leave balances in accordance with University policy regarding leave transfers from state agencies and University departments.
Any questions regarding this policy should be addressed to the Division of Human Resources.