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Special Education

Degrees Offered

Undergraduate Degrees

Special Education Teaching: Mild/Moderate (B.S.)

This program is designed to prepare certified educators who are equipped with skills and dispositions imperative to the educational advancement and optimal quality of life for children and youth with disabilities. Candidates are exposed to rigorous courses bolstered by research-based content, varied field-based practica, state of the art technology, and high quality culturally responsive instruction.

Special Education Non-Teaching: Disability Studies (B.S.)

This multidisciplinary academic program promotes a deep understanding of disability from cultural, social, historical, legal, political, and educational perspectives. The mission of this program is to prepare candidates to assume positions as researchers, administrators, advocates, service providers, and policy makers in a multitude of settings including government agencies, rehabilitation centers, vocational settings, and independent living situations.

Graduate Degrees*

To access the checklist of admission requirements for graduate programs in the Special Education Department, click here.

Special Education (M.S.Ed.) Traditional

Special Education (Visual Impairment Concentration (Program DetailsCurriculum)

Special Education (M.S.Ed.) Online

This program of advanced study is designed to enhance the skill sets of certified educators (Candidates in this program must hold an A certification). Emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of the increasingly diverse student population and their families in urban settings. Candidates are required to exhibit mastery in the areas of evidence-based instruction, culturally relevant pedagogy, collaborative consultation, technology-based instruction, and inclusive practices.

Special Education (Ed.S.) Traditional

Special Education (Ed.S.) Online

This program is available to educators certified at the Master’s level and who seek to develop their skills as educational leaders in research, teaching, and service (Candidates in this program must hold AA certification). Candidates are exposed to a rigorous curriculum that addresses current issues and trends in the field of special education. The culminating hallmark of this program is a project or thesis that address a critical disability related subject. In accordance, candidates are required to exhibit stellar research and writing skills.

*Everyone interested in pursuing a graduate degree must first complete the university graduate school application.

Immunization Requirements (URGENT):

  •  All students admitted to Jackson State University are required to submit proof of having received two immunization shots for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) in order to complete registration for classes.
  • If an applicant has already been admitted and plans to attend the University as a first time student (undergraduate, graduate or transfer), he/she must submit a copy of the required immunization record to the University Health Center prior to registration for courses.
  • Students who have been admitted but do not submit the required immunization verification will be unable to complete registration for classes in the school’s computer enrollment system. Please see further immunization information at the link provided.

Special Education


Department of Educational, Multicultural, and Exceptional Studies
College of Education and Human Development
1400 John R, Lynch Street
Jackson, MS 39217-0280

Phone: 601.979.2370