Social and Cultural Studies

Course Descriptions
SS 101 (3) Introduction to the Social Sciences Foundations. This course examines the basic definitions, concepts, generalizations, literature, values, valuing process, and evaluation techniques in the Social Sciences and Social Studies. (D)
SS 111 (3) Survey of Black Studies. This course examines the cultural traits of blacks, conflicts of blacks and whites, and the status of blacks in America. (F, S, Sum)
SS 201 (3) Social Institutions. The course examines the basic domestic, educational and religious institutions, relying heavily on the interdisciplinary approach. (F, S, Sum)
SS 202 (3) Economic Institutions. This course examines the basic economic institutions, relying heavily on the interdisciplinary approach. (F)
SS 203 (3) Historical and Cultural Foundations of Education. Prerequisite: EDCI 100. This course is concerned primarily with selected historical facts and philosophical ideas, which have influenced the development of modern education. (F, S, Sum)
SS 204 (3) Introduction to Social Science–Value and Valuing. Basic social values, the valuing process and the role of values in decision-making are explored. (D)
SS 205 (3) Introduction to Social Science–Inquiry. Explains the inquiry strategies and techniques used in concept formation and generalization discovery, as they pertain to the social science. (D)
SS 211 (3) Ethnic Studies Survey of Native and Hispanic Americans. This course examines cultural traits of Native Americans and Hispanic Americans, their conflicts with white people, and their status in the United States of America. (F, S, Sum)
SS 212 (3) Ethnic Studies Survey of Jewish and Asian Americans. This course examines the cultural traits of Jewish and Asian Americans, their conflicts with white people, and their status in the United States of America. (S)
SS 300 (3) Organization and Regulations for Social Studies Teachers. This course acquaints students with the legal and professional obligations and opportunities for social studies teachers. (D)
SS 301 (3) Law and Socail Studies. This course examines laws and court decisions affecting the rights, responsibilities, conditions and expectations of public school teachers and the students and districts which they serve. (F, S)
SS 305 (3) African American Futures. The course is designed to involve Jackson State University in an examination and study of relevant futurist issues. The content for this course will be explored using an interdisciplinary approach. (F, S, Sum)
SS 311 (3) Ethnic Studies and Curriculum Development. Prerequisite: Completion of SS 111, 211 and 212. This course focuses on the evaluation and development of ethnic studies curriculum materials. (S)
SS 324 (3) Introduction to Cartography. This course introduces students to map projections, cartographic theory and practical experience in the collection, classification, and display of spatial data via mapping techniques, design and production, using pen and ink. (D)
SS 400S (3) Social Studies Equipment and Materials. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Students are acquainted with the selection and utilization of reading, audio, graphic, and visual materials and equipment designed for social studies. (D)
SS 401 (3) Socail Science in the Elementary School. Prerequisite: Junior standing and at least 15 hours of Social Sciences. Exposure to the methods of developing objectives, carrying out strategies and evaluating social studies teaching, learning and interactions are focuses of this course. (F, S)
SS 412 (9) Internship in Ethnic Studies. Prerequisite: Completion of SS 111, 211, and 212. In this course, students are placed with educational institutions where they practice what they have learned and get on-the-job experience. (S)
SS 443 (3) Seminar in Social Science. Prerequisite: Completion of all substantive courses in the social sciences. Contemporary issues and problems are analyzed by means of student research papers and project reports. Standardized examinations and job application techniques are also explored. (F)
SS 498 (3) Seminar in Job Acquisition. Students are given practical exercises in preparing for standardized examinations and in applying for jobs. (D)
Social and Cultural Studies