Department of Journalism and Media Studies
College of Liberal Arts
The mission of the Jackson State University Department of Journalism and Media Studies is to educate and train students interested in multimedia journalism, media production, integrated marketing communication, and sports media. The department is dedicated to the development of journalists and media professionals who demonstrate accuracy, fairness and technological competence.
Department of Journalism and Media studies
The Master’s of Science degree in Journalism & Media Studies at Jackson State University provides students with theoretical and practical knowledge about the field of mass communication. Students work closely with top tenured and tenured-track faculty members with a heavy research focus or practical media application focus.
Application Due Dates
March 1st (Fall admission)
March 15th (Summer admission)
October 15th (Spring admission)
Admissions Requirements
All applicants must follow a formal application process for admissions.
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 (B average, on a 4.0 scale) at the undergraduate level
*A GPA of at least 2.80 at the undergraduate level is required for conditional admission.
- Graduate Record Examination (GRE) test score
- Graduate school Application
* Out-of-state applicants must submit a $25 application fee money order at the time of application.
- Two official transcripts from all accredited colleges and universities attended
- Three letters of recommendation
- A statement of purpose indicating how the applicant fits the program
- Proof of immunization prior to receiving admission
*For more information on immunization requirements, please visit-
Masters in Mass Communications
Students must complete the 4 requisite core courses as well as select a minimum of 15 elective credit hours from the 500-level hours in Mass Communication.
* Transfer graduate students must complete at least 21 hours in residence at Jackson State University to be eligible for a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication.
Core Courses
- MC 500 Seminar in Mass Communications
- MC 501 Research Methods in Mass Communication
- MC 502 Advanced News Reporting
- MC 506 Seminar-Urban Affairs Reporting
Elective Courses
- MC 503 Seminar in Mass Media Research
- MC 506 Seminar-Urban Affairs Reporting
- MC 508 Broadcast Journalism
- MC 509 Electronic News Gathering
- MC 520 Minorities and Women In Mass Media
- MC 522 Television Production
- MC 526 Television Documentary
- MC 527 Politics and the Press
- MC 529 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Mass Communication
- MC 530 Media Management
- MC 532 International Journalism
- MC 546 Studies In Film Criticism
- MC 547 Film as Social and Intellectual History
- MC 550 Seminar: Communications Media and Issues In Society
- MC 570 Writing for Public Relations
- MC 571 Public Relations Practice
- MC 572 Corporate Communications
- MC 573 Advertising Campaigns
- MC 598 Independent Research Project
- MC 599 Thesis Writing
*Pending advisee approval, graduate students might be able to select courses from different graduate programs throughout the university to fulfill this requirement.
Graduation Requirements
Students are required to complete a minimum of 30 credit hours* in order to complete the graduate program. After 24 semester hours are completed a student may submit an application for candidacy. In addition, graduate students must also complete a comprehensive examination and either a master’s thesis or project.
*If a student chooses to do a master’s project, they will need to complete 33 credit hours to graduate the program.
For more information about the program, contact the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at 601.979.2151.
For more information on the application procedure, please refer to the Division of Graduate Studies at 601. 979.2455.
Thank you for considering a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication from Jackson State University!
More About Us
The Department of Journalism and Media Studies is committed to excellence in teaching, bringing industry-based applications to the classroom, and providing practical experience that will assist students with attaining employment in media. With the option of choosing one of the four concentrations offered within the department, students are exposed to theoretical and hands-on experiences.
All students are required to take the requisite core Journalism and Media Studies courses, the requisite 24 hours in their concentration, and 18-21 hours in electives or their minor of choice. *Integrated Marketing Communications has a built-in Marketing Minor.
Multimedia Journalism
Multimedia Journalism combines multimedia elements, e.g., sound, videos, text, images, and graphics to tell a story.
- JMS 303 Radio-Tv Newswriting
- JMS 315 Digital Editing
- JMS 307 Photojournalism
- JMS 310 Media Production I
- JMS 320 Online Journalism
- JMS 409 Multimedia Reporting
- JMS 404 Feature Writing
- JMS 426 Broadcast Documentary
“Challenging Minds, Changing Lives.”
Media Production
Media Production is the process of producing visual media creations, e.g., video editing and production, multimedia authoring, and the creation of media artifacts for television delivery.
- JMS 303 Radio-Tv Newswriting
- JMS 307 Photojournalism
- JMS 310 Media Design and Production I
- JMS 315 Digital Editing
- JMS 323 Media Production II
- JMS 426 Broadcast Documentary
- JMS 440 Media Programming
- JMS Elective
Integrated Marketing Communications
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) incorporates practices of marketing, public relations, and advertising to teach students the strategies of corporate branding and marketing.
- JMS 330 Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
- JMS 336 Ad Copy Layout and Design
- JMS 423 Ad and Media Selection
- JMS 425 Ad Media Sales
- JMS 452 Sales Promotion and Management
- JMS 470 Writing for Public Relations
- JMS 471 Public Relations Practice
- JMS 473 Integrated Marketing Communications Campaigns
IMC is a multidisciplinary field that organizations use as part of their overall corporate operation in assuring that all brand contracts received by a customer or prospect for a product, service, or organization are relevant to that person and consistent.
Sports Media
The Department of Journalism and Media Studies offers a degree concentration in Sports Media. In this concentration, students will learn the intricacies of covering sporting events and writing for sports news.
- JMS 205 Cross-Platform Sports Reporting and Writing
- JMS 210 Sports Culture
- JMS 315 Electronic Field Reporting
- JMS 325 Sports Media and Society
- JMS 335 Sports Casting
- MKT 351 Marketing Management
- JMS 250 Media Literacy
- JMS 426 Broadcast Documentary
Career options in sports media graduates include print and broadcast opportunities in the sports news and entertainment industries, such as photography, videography, reporters, writers, anchors, commenters, and producers.
Current Curriculum Sheets for the offered concentration in Journalism and Media Studies can be found at the Office for Student Success.
Journalism and Media Studies majors have a plethora of career options:
Reporter |
Editor | Photojournalist | Web content manager |
Moderator, host, and anchor | Freelancing journalist |
Proofreader |
Editor-in-chief |
For more information, please contact us at (601) 979- 2151. We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.