Faculty Development for Student Success

Orientation for New Faculty
The Center hosts an orientation for new full-time faculty each August. This orientation provides critical information about resources and support to new faculty at Jackson State University. All full-time faculty who have begun employment in the last twelve months are welcome. The morning session features advice on accessing resources and navigating university procedures and processes. It also offers the opportunities to meet university leaders and fellow new faculty. The afternoon session provides an introduction to human resources benefits and payroll orientation.
General University Information
Human Resources New Hire/On-Boarding Forms
Academic Affairs Information for Faculty
Activation of NetID. NetID provides access to Blackboard and electronic library databases among other resources.
Course Syllabus Template (Microsoft .doc file)
Textbook Ordering. Contact Alex Durr at (601) 979-2572. Provide your name and e-mail address and he will send a link and appropriate log-in information for the textbook adoption tool.
IRB, Research Compliance and Sponsored Programs Forms
JSUOnline Information and Training Schedule
Faculty Development for Student Success