Faculty Development for Student Success

Faculty Mentors
Dr. Hafiz Ahmad,
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Dr. Paul Tchounwou,
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Dr. Richard Alo,
[/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last]
Dr. Joyce Buckner-Brown,
School of Public Health
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Dr. Gail Grass Fulgham,
College of Business
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Dr. Preselfannie E. Whitfield McDaniels,
College of Liberal Arts
[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]
Dr. Tabitha Otieno,
College of Education and Human Development
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Dr. Locord D. Wilson,
College of Education and Human Development
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Dr. Jacqueline Jackson,
[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]
Dr. Marinelle Payton,
School of Health Science
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Dr. Robert Luckett,
College of Liberal Arts
[/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last]
Dr. Mark Bernhardt,
College of Liberal Arts
Faculty Development for Student Success