Friday, October 11, 2013 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Auditorium of the Engineering Building Join your faculty colleagues interested in developing and re-designing their research agendas with an interactive workshop led by Dr. Lesia Crumpton-Young! Dr. Young who received her B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering from Texas A&M University served as a program director at the...Read More
Due to overwhelming demand, the deadline for application to the Research and Scholarly Engagement Academy has been extended to Friday, September 27, 2013. The Academy invites applications from all faculty for this intensive year-long series of activities including workshops, mentoring, coaching and engagement with foundations and federal agencies. For more information, please contact the Center...Read More
The Center for University Scholars will host its semi-annual Tenure and Promotion Workshop for faculty members on Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 10:00 AM in the Senate Chamber (Room 3250) of the JSU Student Center. This workshop is geared toward assisting faculty submitting their applications this year. Read More
The Center for University Scholars is currently considering graduate assistantship requests from faculty members. We expect to make decisions regarding assistantship awards by Friday, August 23, 2013. In the interim, the graduate assistantship application will be disabled.Read More
The deadline for JSU full-time tenure track to apply for a graduate assistantship for the 2013-3014 academic year is August 19, 2013. All eligible faculty members who have applied by this deadline will be considered. The Center privileges applications leading to research publication and/or grant submission. Read More
Join us in one of our two annual tenure and promotion workshops. This one focuses on completing the application and tracking the status of the application throughout the review process. All faculty are invited to join us! Details Event: Tenure and Promotion Discussion: Completing the Application and Next Steps When: September 6, 2012 at 10:00...Read More
The reporting structure for the Center for University Scholars is being changed. A decision on graduate assistantship requests will be delayed as we make the transition. We hope to have the process completed by August 10, 2012. Applicants will receive decisions on their applications at that time.Read More