"Drawing Noise," an innovative multimedia piece, made its world premiere at the International Festival for Innovations in Music Production and Composition (IFIMPaC) at Leeds College of Music in Leeds, England, United Kingdom. IFIMPaC attracts innovative musical compositions and performances from composers throughout Europe and North America. Its paper presentations and performances explore the latest innovations...Read More
Dr. David Akombo and Prof. Andrew Lewis demonstrate elements of their research project, "Academic and Psychological Effects of Engaging Learners in Live Jazz Music Improvisation." (Dr. Taunjah Bell is a co-investigator.) This presentation was one of the Center's Brown Bag Research Talks featuring works-in-progress and recent research by Jackson State faculty members.Read More
Henry Brady, Dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy and Class of 1941 Monroe Deutsch Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, presented the fifth Holden Lecture, “Class, Race and Political Polarization in America.”Read More
A panel of senior Jackson State faculty and typical reviewers of tenure and promotion applications suggest best practices and strategies for successfully navigating the tenure and promotion processes. They also answer questions about proposed guideline changes.Read More
A panel of senior Jackson State faculty and typical reviewers of tenure and promotion applications suggest best practices and strategies for successfully navigating the tenure and promotion processes.Read More
Glenn Loury, the Merton P. Stolz Professor of the Social Sciences and Economics at Brown University, presented the third Holden Lecture, “Barack Obama and the Future of the Black Prophetic Tradition.” Video, Part I Video Part II The Center thanks Col. Benjamin Wesley, who filmed the lecture.Read More