The Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning recognized the accomplishments of Dr. Loretta Moore in contributing to the advancement of diversity and making a difference in the lives of Mississippi citizens. Dr. Moore is the interim Vice President for Research and Federal Relations, Principal Investigator for JSU ADVANCE and Professor of Computer Science at Jackson State...Read More
Robert Luckett, director of the Margaret Walker Center and assistant professor of history, will present his talk, "Massive Resistance: The Evolution of Racist Politics in Mississippi," on Thursday, February 20, 2014, at 11:00 a.m. in the Holden Reading Room on the fourth floor of the H.T. Sampson Library. The Center for University Scholars hosts this...Read More
NEH Awards for Faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities We invite you to apply for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) fellowship program specifically for faculty at historically black colleges and universities pursuing scholarly research projects in the humanities with value to scholars, general audiences or students in the humanities. The fellowship supports...Read More
Byron D'Andra Orey, professor of political science, will present his talk, "Hair Texture, Complexion and Candidate Evaluation" on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. in the Holden Reading Room on the fourth floor of the H.T. Sampson Library. The Center for University Scholars hosts this brown bag research talk and provides light refreshments, typically sandwiches,...Read More
The Center for University Scholars congratulates all of the recipients of the 2014 Presidential Creative Awards for Faculty and Staff! In particular, it acknowledges three former University Scholars who received awards: Dr. Duanjun Lu (2013), Dr. Natarajan Meghanathan (2008) and Dr. HuiRu Shih (2010 and 2009). Many other faculty recipients of the 2014 Presidential Creative...Read More
Judy A. Meredith, an assistant professor of mass communications, has been elected as a member of the Fulbright Association's Diversity Task Force. Comprising alumni of the Fulbright Program, the Fulbright Association promotes international exchanges for scholars and students and facilitates lifelong learning experiences for its members. (Dr. Meredith was a Fulbright Scholar in Germany seventeen...Read More
The Center for University Scholars will host a brown bag research talk with Dr. Rashell Smith-Spears on Thursday, January 23, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. in the Holden Reading Room on the fourth floor of the H.T. Sampson Library. Dr. Smith-Spears will present her talk, "The Black Vampire in African-American Literature and Popular Culture." We will...Read More