Faculty Development for Student Success

Adjunct Faculty Information
The Center hosts an orientation for new adjunct and part-time faculty. The orientation provides essential information about academic policies and resources and support for teaching at Jackson State University. New adjunct faculty and those who were not able to participate in any of the 2018-2019 adjunct faculty orientations are asked to participate.
General University Information
Human Resources New Hire/On-Boarding Forms
Academic Affairs Information for Faculty
Activation of NetID. NetID provides access to Blackboard and electronic library databases among other resources.
Course Syllabus Template (Microsoft .doc file)
Textbook Ordering. Contact Alex Durr at (601) 979-2572. Provide your name and e-mail address and he will send a link and appropriate log-in information for the textbook adoption tool.
JSUOnline Information and Training Schedule
College-Specific Information for and Expectations of Adjunct Faculty
College of Business (.pdf format)
College of Education & Human Development (.pdf format)
College of Liberal Arts (.pdf format)
College of Public Service (.pdf format)
College of Science, Engineering & Technology (.pdf format)
School of Journalism & Media Studies (.pdf format)
Undergraduate Studies (.pdf format)
Faculty Development for Student Success