Office Of The Registrar And Records

Q: How do I request a copy of my transcript?
The Office of the Registrar and Records only process requests for official transcripts. Current and former students can order an official transcript by visiting online portal.
Q: How much does a transcript cost and how long will it take to receive it?
All official transcripts cost $10.00 per copy and are processed within 3-5 business days upon receipt of the request.
Q: How do I change my name and/or address?
You can change or update your personal information, such as your name or address, by visiting and clicking the appropriate form for instructions.
Q: How do I complete an In-State Residency application?
Current students (22 and older) may apply for In-State Residency through the Office of the Registrar. All supporting documents submitted (i.e., proof of domicile, voter registration, Mississippi employment, Mississippi utilities, etc.) must be dated at least one year prior to application.
Q: What is Degree Works, and what can I use with it?
Degree Works is a Web-based tool for students to monitor their academic progress toward degree completion. Degree Works also allows currently enrolled students and their advisors to plan future academic coursework. With the Degree Works audit, currently enrolled students can review past, current, and “planned” coursework that provides information on completing outstanding requirements necessary to complete a degree/major/minor/concentration.
Q: How do I request verification of enrollment?
Verification of Enrollment Request forms can be submitted to the Office of the Registrar and Records via email at
Q: What is a FERPA form?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children’s education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records. When a student turns 18 years old or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, the rights under FERPA transfer from the parents to the student (“eligible student”). The FERPA statute is found at 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, and the FERPA regulations are found at 34 CFR Part 99. By completing the FERPA form, the student grants specific individuals permission to specified records.
Q: How do I apply for graduation?
Students who have acquired the minimum number of credit hours to qualify for the graduation process will receive an email notification from the Office of the Registrar to contact their Advisor/Department to conduct a degree audit to receive a Graduation PIN # to access the Graduation Clearance System application for that semester. Graduating students must submit a graduation application for the semester they are completing degree requirements. If the student doesn’t meet requirements after the posting of final semester grades, they must apply for graduation again the next semester and/or after meeting degree requirements.
Q: What name will appear on my diploma?
Your official name in your BANNER PAWS student record will appear on your diploma unless otherwise indicated as your Diploma Name on your graduation clearance system application.
Q: Where will my diploma be mailed?
Your diploma will be mailed to the diploma mailing address entered on your graduation clearance application. If no address is entered, it will default to your permanent address listed in the student record system.
Q: When will my degree reflect on my transcript as awarded?
Your degree will be awarded and reflected on your official transcript after final grades are posted and reviewed, and all University requirements are met.
Q: When will I receive my diploma?
After all undergraduate and graduate degrees are awarded, diplomas will be printed and mailed. The process of clearing students and printing diplomas usually takes 4 to 6 weeks. Diplomas are sent via certified mail through the United States Postal Service (U.S.P.S). Please click the Diploma Mailing Schedule for more information regarding the diploma mailing schedule.
Q: How do I order a replacement diploma?
To request a duplicate diploma, please submit the Duplicate Diploma Order Form via email to For payment options, please contact the Business Office by phone at (601) 979-2216. Replacement or duplicate diplomas can be purchased for a fee of $60 each.
Mississippi Residency
Students are classified as in-state or out-of-state for the purpose of paying University fees. The Office of Admissions will make the initial classification when a student’s application for admission is processed. The burden of proof for establishing residency resides with the applicant. If a student misrepresents their status, they shall be responsible for paying the fees they would have otherwise been required to pay and will be subject to disciplinary action or dismissal from school. The Office of the Registrar and Records is authorized to change a student’s residence status upon receipt of evidence that the student is improperly classified.
Click the Institutions of Higher Learning link, see paragraphs 610 and 611, for policies in determining the residential status of students for the purpose of enrolling and paying fees at a state-supported institution of higher learning.
Q. What are the in-state residency requirements?
- Residence of a minor: For purposes of determining whether a minor pays out‐of‐state or in‐state tuition for attendance at universities and community and junior colleges, the residence of a person less than 21 years of age is that of the father, the mother, or a general guardian duly appointed by a proper court in Mississippi. If a court has granted custody of the minor to one parent, the residence of IHL Board of Trustees Policies & Bylaws 107 the minor is that of the parent who was granted custody by the court. If both parents are dead, the residence of the minor is that of the last surviving parent at the time of that parent’s death, unless the minor lives with a general guardian duly appointed by a proper court of Mississippi, in which case his/her residence becomes that of the guardian. A minor student who, upon registration at a Mississippi institution of higher learning or community college, presents a transcript demonstrating graduation from a Mississippi secondary school and who has been a secondary school student in Mississippi for not less than the final four years of secondary school attendance shall not be required to pay out‐of‐state tuition. This policy shall not apply to the residence of a person as it relates to residency for voter registration or voting.
- Residence of an adult: The residence of an adult is that place where they are domiciled, that is, the place where he/she actually physically resides intending to remain there indefinitely or of returning there permanently when temporarily absent.
- Removal of parents from Mississippi: If the parents of a minor who is enrolled as a student in a community/junior college or an institution of higher learning move their legal residence from the State of Mississippi, the minor shall be immediately classified as a nonresident student; such a change in classification shall not affect the tuition to be charged upon completion of the semester in which the move takes place.
- Residence required: No student may be admitted to any community/junior college or institution of higher learning as a resident of Mississippi unless his/her residence has been in the State of Mississippi preceding his/her admission. Residence shall be as defined in Sections 37‐103‐7 and 37‐103‐13 unless excepted in Miss. Code Ann., §§ 37‐103‐1 through 37‐103‐29. IHL Board of Trustees Policies & Bylaws 108 Miss. Code Ann., §37‐103‐3, as amended.
- Residency petitions: Nonresidents may petition the institutions for a change of residency classification. A person who enters the state of Mississippi from another state and enters a system institution is considered a nonresident unless the person meets the residency requirements set out in subsections A or B above. Provided, however, that any person who has attained 21 years of age and has thereafter actually established residency as defined within subsection A above and resided within the state of Mississippi for 12 consecutive months after attaining 21 years of age upon sworn affidavit and other representation, may petition the particular institution for a change in residency classification for the purposes of fees and tuition assessment. The institution may make a reasonable inquiry into the validity of the petitioner’s claim. Such petition for change of residency must be made on or before the last day a student may register at the particular institution without penalty.
- Legal residence of a married person: A married person may claim the residence status of his or her spouse, or he or she may claim independent residence status under the same regulations set forth in Section 37‐103‐13 as any other adult.
- Children of faculty or staff: Children of parents who are members of the faculty or staff of any institution under the jurisdiction of the board of trustees of any community/junior college in this state or the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning may be classified as residents for the purpose of attendance at the institution where their parents are faculty or staff members.
Q. When is the deadline to petition for a change in residency classification?
Petitions for change of residency must be made on or before the last day to register for any given semester.
Q. Who may petition for a change in residency classification?
A student who has reached the age of 22 and has met the requirements to become a resident (has lived in Mississippi the past 12 consecutive months, used a Mississippi address on his/her State and Federal Income tax return, registered to vote in Mississippi, and has a vehicle registered in Mississippi) and shows intent to make Mississippi his/her home, may petition the University Registrar’s Office for a change in residency.
Q. What are the requirements to become a Mississippi resident?
The following documentation is required by law to obtain Mississippi residence. These are statutory requirements, not University policy, and are rigidly enforced:
- Mississippi income tax returns
- Mississippi driver license
- Vehicle registration (MS car tag) – Persons moving permanently into the state have 30 days per state law to register vehicles. This requirement applies to any student operating a vehicle regardless of ownership.
- Mississippi voter’s registration
- A home deed or lease reflecting 12 continuous months of domicile in Mississippi (on-campus housing is not considered a permanent residence)
- Must have a Mississippi home address on file with the Office of the Registrar and Records
- Military orders if applying based upon active duty military exception
- Required documents for establishing residency
As an adult:
- Students establishing their residency as an adult must be at least 22 years of age. In addition, the applicant must have physically lived in Mississippi for 12 continuous months after their 21st birthday. The application deadline is the last day to add classes of the term for which you are petitioning.
- Completed, notarized residency application
- Copy of valid Mississippi driver’s license
- Copy of Mississippi vehicle registration. This document is required for the vehicle you regularly use in the state of Mississippi. If the vehicle is registered in a parent’s or other individual’s name, it CAN and MUST be registered in Mississippi.
- Copy of voter’s registration card
- Proof of 12 continuous months of physical presence in the state of Mississippi.
Acceptable forms proving physical presence in Mississippi:
- Enrollment in a Mississippi school or college
- Paycheck stubs showing Mississippi taxes withheld. The dollar amounts may be darkened.
- Letter from a Mississippi employer stating dates employed
- Bank statements indicating consistent and routine transactions within the state of Mississippi. The dollar amounts may be darkened.
Please note: Property deeds or utility bills are not acceptable forms of documentation.
As a minor or a spouse of a Mississippi resident:
- Students under the age of 21 may be classified as a resident based on the residency of their parent or legal guardian. If the parents are divorced, the minor acquires the residence of the parent with court-awarded custody.
- Married individuals may claim the resident status of their spouse if they choose to do so by showing abandonment of their former domicile to assume the residency of their spouse.
For minors:
- Completed, notarized residency application
- Copy of parent’s Mississippi driver’s license
- Copy of parent’s Mississippi vehicle registration
- Evidence of parent’s physical domicile in Mississippi
For spouses:
- Completed, notarized residency application
- A copy of the marriage certificate
- Copy of student and spouse’s Mississippi driver’s license
- Copy of student and spouse’s Mississippi voter’s registration card
- Evidence of spouse’s physical domicile in Mississippi
Acceptable proof of domicile:
- Paycheck stubs showing Mississippi taxes withheld. The dollar amounts may be darkened.
- Letter from a Mississippi employer
Please note: Property deeds or utility bills are not acceptable forms of documentation.
As a member of the military (or their dependent):
- Military personnel (and their dependents) assigned on active duty status in Mississippi or honorably discharged are classified as residents for the period they are in the state upon presentation of their orders. Military personnel who maintains Mississippi as their state of residence can be considered Mississippi residents if they supply a copy of their Mississippi tax return and their DD2058 or LES (leave and earnings statement) showing Mississippi as their resident state.
- Completed, notarized residency application
- DD2058 or LES
Q. Where can I get the application to apply for in-state residency?
A petition for a change in residency status may be requested from the Office of the Registrar and Records located on the 2nd floor of the B. F. Roberts building.
Q. Where do I apply?
A petition for a change in residency status may be submitted to the Office of the Registrar and Records located on the 2nd floor of the B. F. Roberts building.
Q: How can I register for classes?
You must contact your academic advisor to complete your schedule. Registration is conducted by Professional Advisors located in the University Academic Advisement Center on the 2nd Floor of the H.T. Sampson Library.
Q: How can I obtain an alternate PIN to add a class?
To add a class, undergraduate students must contact their Professional Advisor located in the University Academic Advisement Center on the 2nd floor of the H.T. Sampson Library.
Graduate students must contact their respective departments.
Q: My classes were PURGED non-payment of fees and non-attendance. What does this mean?
Purge is when the university removes a student’s class schedule due to incomplete registration.
Q: Can I have my classes reinstated after they were PURGED for incomplete registration?
Students may have their courses reinstated or restored, to active status, per the university’s PURGE/REINSTATEMENT Schedule and Criteria for the affected academic term. For more information on the reinstatement processes after classes were PURGED, students must contact the Business Office via email at or by phone at 866-THEEJSU.
Q: How can I change my major?
Obtain and complete a change of major form with your Professional Academic Advisor located in the University Academic Advisement Center on the 2nd Floor of the H.T. Sampson Library.
Office Of The Registrar And Records