With hard works of Ms. Gina Rodez and Ms. Gloria Hirse, the facebook website of COMPA 2016 is open now. https://www.facebook.com/COMPA-2016-187603198264759/ The COMPA 2016 will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn, downtown Jackson, just a couple of blocks away from the JSU downtown campus, from Feb 17-19, 2016. It is a national conference! Scholars and graduate...Read More
The International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life of Brandeis University has selected Professor James D. Slack (Ph.D., Ph.D.), as one of its inaugural Faculty Fellows in the Educational Network for Active Civic Transformation (ENACT) program. The program is designed to be a strategic information hub to stimulate young people to acquire the types of personal interaction that will...Read More
Ms. Shelia Malone (MPPA) is selected for the Summer Education Research Internship program at the School of Education, the Univ of California at Irvine. The internship program provides her with housing, flight expenses, and a stipend of $4,000. She was selected through a highly competitive nationwide selection process. She will participate in the summer program from...Read More
Ms. Ashlee D. T. Kelly (PhD student) is the recipient of the 2015-16 Rohr Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded from the Section of Public Law and Administration, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). The scholarship is designed to support students' research in the field of public administration and law while simultaneously supporting the students' attendance for the ASPA annual...Read More
Mr. Cetric Coates (MPPA student) has published his thoughts of economic development for the City of Jackson, as a guest columnist for the Mississippi's leading newspaper, Clarion-Ledger on December 23, 2015. In his essay ("Can Jackson bounce back?") , he demonstrated his understanding of public policy, and explored his role as a policy scientist for community development. He emphasized the importance of infrastructure building...Read More
The 2015 Fall Graduate Gommencement was held at the Lee E. Williams Athletic and Assembly Center, on December 11th, 2015. Three PhDs and three MPPA (MPA) students received their degrees during the ceremony from the Dept. of Public Policy and Administration (PPAD). (People shown in pic: Dr. Claudine Gee in far left side, Dr. Ann Marie Myrick in left center,...Read More
Alan Branson (PhD student) defended his dissertaton proposal successfully on De.c 9, 2015. He will investigate the trends of payday lending business in Missisippi (title: Determinants of Payday Lending and Bank Branch Locations in Mississippi). Using the data obtained from MSDBCF, FDIC, Census, he will analyze the location change patterns of the payday lending offices and the bank...Read More
The 2015 Fall JSU Public Policy Student Symposium was held on December 3, 2015. The semi-annual event is prepared as a way for students to increase their independent research skills and to enhance their skills of public communications in a professional setting, and to improve their writing skills. Twelve students (10 doctoral, and 2 master) joined the event....Read More
Healthy Community Development Policy Forum was held at the Mississippi E-Center on Nov. 17, 2015. Professors Andre HInes, and Jae-Young Ko served the event as session panelists. The forum was designed to develop policy agendas of health community development for City of Jackson. Local experts from Children's Defense Fund, Mississippi Center for Justice, Bike Walk Mississippi, Mississippi Housing...Read More
Ms. Prisca Patrick, a MPPA (MPA) student, played an active role during the 2015 Mississippi Ride for Kids, on October 25th. Ride for Kids is a nation-wide series of motorcycle events, orgaized by the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. The mission of the foundation is to eliminate the challenges of childhood brain tumors by providing fundings for medical...Read More
- Former JSU Student Selected for Leadership Rankin
- JSU Graduate Student Selected as Kellogg Foundation Fellow
- The Pi Alpha Alpha Induction Ceremony
- Dr. Lawren M. L. Long is now an Assistant professor at Tougaloo College
- Dr. Pamela M. Confer is on the Mississippi Today
- 2022 Spring JSU Graduate Commencement
- PPAD joined the Great Canton Cleanup
- Dr. Eric D. Griffith has defended his dissertation successfully
- Dr. Aundria D. Range has defended her dissertation successfully