The JSU Public Policy and Administration Student Association along with Dr. Andre Hines, faculty liaison, participated in the Voice of Calvary Ministry’s 5th Annual Trace Ride on April 16, 2016. Fourteen students from both the masters and doctoral programs participated in this community service event. The event began at 8:00 a.m. and included cyclist from...Read More
Professor Jae-Young Ko (1st in pic from left) gave a presentation on the Clean Water Act compliance for the communities in Mississippi (title: ‘Potentials of wetlands assimilation for the communities lacking the NPDES compliance) for the COCO kickoff meeting of Mississippi Conference of Black Mayors (President: Mayor Johnny Dupress of Hattiesburg; Executive Director: Ms. Silbrina...Read More
Professor Slack conducted an inovative way of teaching for PPAD 596, Research Methods for Public Managers this semester. Dr. Slack assigned students to a "consulting" group. For the entire semester, the students are expected to prepare a proposal that ultimately is presented to a mock city council. This semester, under a scenario: The (fictional) Jackson city council's "Infrastructure...Read More
Research papers from a group of PPAD students and faculty member are published for the latest issue of Online Journal of Rural and Urban Research (theme: Economic Development in Distressed Communities, vol.6, no.1 (2016). Click on the title of the paper for downloading. Mr. Ryan Brown (MPPA in 2015; 1st in the top row pic)...Read More
Professor James D. Slack visits with Jimmy Davis, Jr., a man on death row at Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore, Alabama. Jimmy Davis, Jr. has an impact on thousands of public servants on six continents each Friday through his contributions to The Christian Public Servant – a workplace devotional sent electronically to people working in...Read More
Three PPAD graduate students and professor Slack served as panel members for the event and shared their experiences, insights with the attending PPAD students. The panel members are as follows: Ms. Sheryl Bacon (PhD) • Attended the 2016 ASPA (American Society for Public Administration) conference; the 2016 Annual Conference of Mississippi Political Science Association (MSPSA),...Read More
JSU College of Public Service held the Student and Faculty Recognition Program for 2016 at the JSU student center on April 4, 2016. Professor Jae-Young Ko (1st in pic) received the Teacher of Year award from Dean Brown. Ms. Alla J. Frank (2nd in pic) received the highest GPA award, Ms. Prisca Patrick (3rd in pic) was recognized for her...Read More
As part of PPAD 515, Unekia Oatis (MPPA ; right in pic) and Dr. Slack (left in pic) toured the MS State Penitentiary. They visited the gas death chamber, as well as the lethal injection chambers while focusing on the mechanics of the execution processes. Also toured the death cells, where the condemned is taken 48 hours prior to...Read More
Professor Jae-Young Ko is selected as the winner of the College of Public Service (CPS) Teacher of the Year Award for 2015-2016. The award will be presented during the College of Public Service Student and Faculty Recognition Program, to be held at Monday, April 4th, 2016, at the JSU Student Center Theater, at 2pm. He has been...Read More
Professor Chester Robinson (left in pic), and Professor Gloria Billingsley (right in pic) have published their research on public accountability for Public Administration Quarterly (title: Charities and good governance: A case study for a common mesure for public accountability; abstract), vol.40, no.2 (2016). Public Administration Quarterly is one of the top peer-reviewed journals in the field of Public Administration, affiliated with...Read More
- Former JSU Student Selected for Leadership Rankin
- JSU Graduate Student Selected as Kellogg Foundation Fellow
- The Pi Alpha Alpha Induction Ceremony
- Dr. Lawren M. L. Long is now an Assistant professor at Tougaloo College
- Dr. Pamela M. Confer is on the Mississippi Today
- 2022 Spring JSU Graduate Commencement
- PPAD joined the Great Canton Cleanup
- Dr. Eric D. Griffith has defended his dissertation successfully
- Dr. Aundria D. Range has defended her dissertation successfully