Ms. Caludine Gee has defended her doctoral dissertation successfully on April 23, 2015. The topic of her dissertation is 'an analysis of debt management at seven level VI public historically black colleges and universities' (Advisor: Dr. Johnny Gilleylen). Congratulations, Dr. Gee!!!Read More
The Hinds County Board of Supervisors meeting was held at the JSU campus on April 20, 2015. Our Ms. LaTonya Curley (PhD; picture in left), and Ms. Christina Spann (MPPA; pincture in right) attended the meeting, and presented their ideas on public policy issues of the County....Read More
Professor Chester Robinson and Professor Jae- Young Ko attended the closing ceremony and reception of the JSU Academy for Research and Scholarly Engagement on April 17, 2015. The JSU Center for University Scholars and the Division of Research and Federal Relations have been operating a year-long training program of research proposal development for the...Read More
Dr. Ko attended the 3rd Annual HBCU Student Climate Change Conference, held in New Orleans, from March 26-29, 2015, hosted by the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, Dillard University . Students and faculty members from 21 HBCU institutions across the nation, including Jackson State University, discussed the challenges and health risks of minority communities near polluting industrial facilities, and associated environmental...Read More
The annual conference of American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) is THE conference for public policy scholars and practioners nationally and internationally. Representatives from the Department of Public Policy and Administration attended the ASPA annual conference, which was held in Chicago, from March 6 to 10, 2015. Ms. Ashlee Theodore, PhD student (Photo in left), gave...Read More
Students and faculty members of the Public Policy and Administration attended the annual conference of the National Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA), held in Philadelphia, from Feb. 18 to Feb. 20, 2015.The JSU attendees served as panel members and gave presentations during the conference (Picture shown from the left to the right: Professor Sylvester...Read More
The JSU Fall 2014 commencement was held on Dec. 12, 2014. Three PhD students and three MPPA students received their degrees during the ceremony. The PhD students are as follows: Dr. Chelsea A. Crittle (dissertation title: Assessing the impact and implications of service delivery to senior citizens under the Older American Act: the case of Central Mississippi;...Read More
Ms. Jermesha Haywood (MPPA) gave a presentation (title: An assessment of ruling political party's role for community development in the Mississippi Delta region) for the annual conference of Mississippi Political Science Association, held at Jackson State University, Feb. 13-14, 2015. With professor Jae-Young Ko, she has been analyzing the impacts of the ruling political party's (governor's) regional develpment...Read More
Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour gave a presentation on his role as governor during and after the Hurricane Katrina hit on Feb. 12 (Th), at 5:30 p.m. The event was held at the JSU’s Mississippi e-Center in Jackson. More detailed information of the event is available at Managing natural hazards (for example, hurricane) is a one of newly growing...Read More
The JSU Public Policy Student Symposium 2014 Fall was held on December 4, 2014 (Organizer: Dr. Jae-Young Ko). The event is organized to increase students’ independent research skills, and to enhance skills of public communications in a professional setting. Fourteen presentations (ten from PhD and four from MPPA students) were made, covering diverse topics in...Read More
- Former JSU Student Selected for Leadership Rankin
- JSU Graduate Student Selected as Kellogg Foundation Fellow
- The Pi Alpha Alpha Induction Ceremony
- Dr. Lawren M. L. Long is now an Assistant professor at Tougaloo College
- Dr. Pamela M. Confer is on the Mississippi Today
- 2022 Spring JSU Graduate Commencement
- PPAD joined the Great Canton Cleanup
- Dr. Eric D. Griffith has defended his dissertation successfully
- Dr. Aundria D. Range has defended her dissertation successfully