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Professor Slack attends the ENACT workshop at Brandeis Univ

JSU Websites > Dept. of Public Policy & Administration | Jackson State University > News > Professor Slack attends the ENACT workshop at Brandeis Univ

IMG_1658_1Professor James D. Slack (Ph.D., Ph.D.) was selected as one of its inaugural Faculty Fellows in the Educational Network for Active Civic Transformation (ENACT) program at Brandeis University last Spring (

The program is designed to be a strategic information hub to stimulate young people to acquire the types of personal interaction that will inspire them to adopt Supreme Court Justice Brandis' belief that the "most important political office is that of the private citizen."  ENACT serves to connect participants with their counterparts throughout the country.  The program is funded by Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Weissburg.  One of the selection criteria is for the recipient univeristy to be at or near a state capital city.  Jackson State University is one of 15 institutions selected for ENACT participation.

Professor Slack is now attending the ENACT workshop at Brandeis Univ. from May 22 – 26, 2016. The workshop is designed to develop learning opportunities to the students on knowledge, skills, and justice on the legislative proceesses on social justice issues

For more details, please check the Dept Facebook page, 

Have a productive trip to Boston, Professor Slack!


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Second Amin account I Saw in system. I albert removed the original email in account and it uses an alias email.