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Workshop on attending conference and publication was held on April 6, 2016

JSU Websites > Dept. of Public Policy & Administration | Jackson State University > News > Workshop on attending conference and publication was held on April 6, 2016

Three PPAD graduate students and professor Slack served as panel members for the event and shared their experiences, insights with the attending PPAD students.  The panel members are as follows: 

Bacon_IMG_0923Ms. Sheryl Bacon (PhD) 
•    Attended the 2016 ASPA (American Society for Public Administration) conference; the 2016 Annual Conference of Mississippi Political Science Association (MSPSA), and the 2016 COMPA (Conference of Minority Public Administrators)

•    (publication) Sheryl Bacon. Human Capital Enhancement in Depressed Communities by Utilizing Teacher Loan Forgiveness Programs in Mississippi.  Online Journal of Rural and Urban Research (In press).


Ashlee-1Ms. Ashlee D. T. Kelly (PhD)

•    The recipient of the John A. Rohr Scholarship from the 2016 ASPA.
(The award recognizes the leading scholars and practitioners to a greater understanding of how law affects public administration and the responsibilities of public administrators in their jobs as implementers of the Constitution.)
•    Attended the 2015 ASPA, and 2016 ASPA.


 IMG_0441Mr. James Thompson (MPPA in 2015)
•    The recipient of the Robert Kline Award from the 2014 SECOPA (Southeastern Conference of Public Administration).
(The award recognizes the best research paper for the Master student level)
•    Attended the 2014 SECOPA.
• (publication) Ashley Caples, Jae-Young Ko, and James Thompson. An exploratory research to reduce barriers of the uninsured and underserved populations for quality health care in Mississippi. Journal of Public Management and Social Policy (Under review).
•    James C. Thompson and Jae-Young Ko. A Comparative Assessment of Green Economy Growth among Five State Capital Cities and Policy Recommendations in the United States* Online Journal of Rural and Urban Research (In press).

slack_3professor James Slack 

To date, Dr. Slack is author or co-author of eight books and approximately 55 articles and book chapters, including seven articles in PAR — the journal-of-record in the field of public administration.




The event was moderated by Dr. Jae-Young Ko. PPAD faculty members and students appreciate the panel members' contributions. For more detailed information, please check the dept. Facebook page,


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