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Third day of the COMPA conference

JonesFor the third day of the COMPA conference, on Feb. 19, 2016, Ms. Denita Jones (PhD)  gave a presentation on mental health care (title: Assessing the need for mental health aftercare for juvenile offenders).






Ms. Ashley Caples (MPPA; in pic), Professor Jae-Young Ko, and Mr. James Thompson (MPPA in 2015) presented their research on health disparity (title: A exploratory research to reduce barriers of the uninsured and underserved populations for quality health care in Mississippi, presentation file).






Dr. Udensi K. Udensi (PhD) gave a talk on HIV (title: A comparative study of HIV/AIDS prevalence rates and policy among Barbados, Belize, Mexico, and the United States).





slack_3Professor James Slack gave a presentation on criminal justice (title: A remedy to murder: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and community of discipline)





Dr. Gloria BillingsleyFurther, Professor Gloria Billingsley, as the COMPA President, gave a welcome speech in the morning, and also gave a presentation (title: A generational divide: An analysis of the multi-generation effect on public sector organization).  In addition, she moderated the luncheon plenary session, sponsored by the Nissan USA. 




Job well done!!!

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