The Mississippi ASPA (American Society for Public Administration) Conference was held at the Mississippi State University on Jan 27, 2020.
Ms. Lawren Long (PhD student) gave her presentation (title: ' Evaluating the impacts of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2020 on Childhood Obesity Rates'). Mr. Chauncey Spears (MPPA student) reported his research findings on public education in state (topic: 'School accountability, race, poverty and teacher quality in Mississippi: opportunity for more socially equitable accountability model'). Also, Dr. Jae-Young Ko (faculty) shared his research output (title: 'Employing ecosystem service for affordable options of environmental regulations in the community'). Professor Sylvester Murray and professor (retired) Frances P. Liddell also represented the JSU PPAD program as a former ASPA president, and a former ASPA_MS chapter president, respectively. During the conference, Dr. Jae-Young Ko was elected President-Elect. He will host the conference at the Jackson State University next year.
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