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June 19, 2018


Ms. Shelia Malone, MPPA student, has defended her thesis successfully on June 13, 2018. Her thesis topic is 'Meta-analysis: Investigating social and scientific research studies on rural healthcare disparities nationally and in Mississippi.' Professor Ester Stokes has served as the thesis advisor. Congratulations, Ms. Malone. (The Dept. of Public Policy & Administration at Jackson state...
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Ms. Shannon D. Jordan has defended her dissertation (title: Supervisor's perception of motivation on employee performance: A case study of selected state government agencies in Jackson, Mississippi) on June 13, 2018.  Professor Ester Stokes served as Advisor.  The committee members were Professors Chester Robinson, Johnny Gilleylen, Bennett Odunsi, and Talya Thomas. Congratulations, Dr. Jordan! (From...
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