The 12th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research was held at Marriott Hotel, Jackson, MS, from September 13 to 16, 2015. Professor Jae-Young Ko participated in the event and presented his research on utilization of natural ecosystem service (Presentation topic: An Exploratory Study of Reducing Water Pollution-related Environmental Damages and Human Health Risks Using Assimilation Function of Wetlands in the State of Mississippi). Currently State of Mississippi has shown difficulties in complying with the regulation of wastewater treatment (NPDES) under the Clean Water Act. For example, in 2009, about fifty-four minor and major volations were reported per 100 wastewater teatment plants in the State. With professor John W. Day at LSU, he proposed utilizing assimilation function of natural wetlands as a component of wastewater treamtent system in improving compliance record, because the natural energy-based wetlands method can reduce the capital and annual O&M costs, while providing the same services of conventional civil engineering based-methods. He demonstrated the feasiblity of the new approach, using cases available in neighboring state, Louisiana, and explored potential benefits of the new approach for the State of Mississippi. He also suggested a list of strategies for adopting the new idea in State (Poster: Ko_poster_envt risk symposium). His reserach records on wetlands utilization and other research accomplishments are available at Google Scholar.
JSU Websites > Dept. of Public Policy & Administration | Jackson State University > News > Professor Ko gave a presentation for the International Symposium on Environmental Health Research
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