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Theresa Kearns Cooper, PsyD

Theresa Kearns Cooper, PsyD
Visiting Assistant Professor
Phone: 601-979-3375





Degree:  Forest Institute of Professional Psychology

Research Interests: Suicidality, Microaggressions, Multiculturalism

Courses Taught: General Psychology, Intro to Psychology, Child Psychology, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Psychology of African-Americans, Ethics in Psychology, Psychology in the Urban Environment, Research Seminar:  APA Writing, Psychometrics  

Professional Memberships:  APA, Psi Chi, SEPA

Recent Publications and/or Creative Works:

Kearns-Cooper, T. and Gettis A. (in print). Regarding Change vs. Stability, In Developmental Psychology:  How the Mind Grows and Changes over a Lifetime, 3 volumes. Santa Barbara, CA:  Greenwood

Kearns-Cooper, T., Banks, P., Bologna, E., Arnold, T. (2016, March). Beyond being Clinically Competent: Cultural Competencies and Cultural Humility. A presentation to be presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association in New Orleans, LA.

Fisher, J, Davis, A., Sims, M., Reese-Smith, J., Williams, B., Kearns-Cooper, T., Moreland, C. (2016, February). Racial Discrimination, Mental Health Lifestyles, and Racial Identity Among African American Adults: Directions for Research and Clinical Applications. To be presented at the National Association of African American Studies, 24th Joint National Conference.    

Dawkins, M. R., Laikin, A., & Kearns-Cooper, T. (2015, August). Myths Regarding Suicide: Literature Review, What we know and how it relates to suicide prevention. Paper Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario.

Kearns-Cooper, T.S., Davis, A., Dawkins, M., Farah, N., Williams, S. (2015, February). The Cultural Considerations to Suicide Attempts of African Americans: The Postulation of Creating A Culture Specific Risk Assessment. MS Academy of Science. Mississippi.    

Kearns, T.S. & Jones, C.J.  (2005).A Family Affair: Thoughts Flowing From The Soul, A Mother & Son’s Poetic Vessel. Medea Publishing. Jackson Mississippi. *Poetic inferences of a mother and son dealing with the various aspects of Asperger’s Disorder”

Ongoing/Future Publications and/or Creative Works:

Kearns-Cooper, T.S. (2020, April). Changing Perspectives of Autistic Spectrum Disorders. A presentation to be presented at the 66th  Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association in New Orleans, LA.