It is the purpose of this handbook to establish and maintain a uniform system for managing personnel matters; to comply with applicable state and federal employment laws as well as Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning Board Policies (IHL); and to provide the standards, terms, and conditions of employment with Jackson State University in a clear and comprehensive fashion. It is also designed to maximize the efficiency and orderliness of operations. Furthermore, it is intended by adoption and periodic amendment of these policies and procedures that they will serve as a guide for employees of Jackson State University in their routine work activities and relationships to the extent that the objectives of both Jackson State University and the individual employees can be achieved.
Shared governance, at Jackson State University, requires the full participation of the faculty, staff and students on all matters that directly or indirectly affect the academic environment at the University. The institution publishes policies on the responsibility and authority of faculty in academic and governance matters. Matters on which shared governance is practiced include, but are not limited to, curriculum, course content, degree requirements, class schedules, evaluations, discipline and dismissal of faculty/staff/students, fair faculty/staff/student representation on University decision and policy-making unit or bodies, and fair faculty/staff/student representation on search committees for University administration. Administrators will act on such recommendations and make best efforts to provide timely rationale for any modification or rejection of the input received.
We also agree that faculty governance is inextricably linked to academic freedom. therefore, in the interest of representation and procedural integrity, the university administration embraces the principles of shared governance enunciated in the AAUP's 1966 Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities. Moving forward, the University accepts the Statement on Shared Governance previously accepted under the past administration and adopted by Jackson State University's Faculty Senate.