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Emmanuel Nwagboso, Ph.D.


Associate Professor of Political Science


Phone: 601.979.2905

Location: College of Liberal Arts 323






Ph.D., Clark-Atlanta University, 1991

MPPA, Jackson State University, 1981

B.A., Jackson State University, 1979



  • Examination of the Political economy of some African States
  • The role of Brazil in the Latin American Politics
  • Research on pathways to resolving conflicts in the global politics



Undergraduate: PS 134  Introduction to Political Science

PS 135  American Government

PS 136  State & Local Government

PS 236  Introduction to Comparative Politics

PS 350  American Political Parties & Pressure Groups

PS 351  The American Presidency

PS 352  Modernization & Political Change

PS 390  Internship in Political Science

PS 429  African Governments & Politics

PS 431  Africa In the Global Politics

PS 437  International Relations

PS 450  Urban Politics

PS 453  Independent Study

PS 473  The American Legislative Process

PS 484  American Intergovernmental Relations

Graduate: PS 508  Politics of African Independence Movements

PS 509  African Political Systems

PS 510  Third World Ideologies

PS 537  Urbanization Social Change & Political Power

PS 542  Politics of Developing States

PS 556 Political Economy of African States

PS 564  State & Local Politics

PS 565  International Relations

PS 570  Third World Nations in International Politics

PS 583  Special Topics Seminar

PS 585  Seminar in Urban Problems

PS 596  Independent Study



African Studies Association

Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Co-Chair Social Sciences Committee

Mississippi Political Science Association

National Conference of Black Political Scientists (NCOBPS)

Southern Political Science Association

Third World Association

Phi Delta Kappa International

Community Organizations:

Lifetime member of Jackson Hinds Alumni-Chapters

The Nigerian Progressive Union

The Igbo Community Association of Mississippi

The Bustop Social Organization

(Stewpot Community Services)


PUBLICATIONS (Last Five Years):

Anarchy and the Quest for Political Stability in Sierra Leone, New York: Melon Press 2013



E.C. Merem, E. Nwagboso et AL, “Using Geo-Information Systems in Assessing Water Quality in the Mid-Atlantic Region Agricultural Watershed of Maryland”

International Journal of Ecosystem, 2012, 2 (5)-112-139

E.C. Merem, E. Nwagboso et AL, “Analyzing Water Resource Issues in the State of Mississippi” British Journal of Applied Science and Technology, June 11, 2014

E.C. Merem, E. Nwagboso et AL, “Assessing Agricultural Land Scape in Northern Mississippi Region” World Environment 2014, 4 (2): 43-60

E.C. Merem, E. Nwagoboso et AL, “The Analysis of Coal Mining Impacts on West Virginia’s Environment” British Journal of Applied Science and Technology 4 (8): 1171-1197, 2014

E.C. Merem, E. Nwagboso et AL, “GIS Assessment of Farm Land-Scape Change in South Carolina Lower Region” International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 2015, 5 (2): 92-112

E.C. Merem, E. Nwagboso et AL, “Analyzing Environmental Issues in the Lower Savannah Watershed in Georgia and South Carolina” American Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2015, 5 (1): 1-20