We are proud to announce that DURP Alumna, Catherine Lee, MA is now AICP certified. Catherine has served as an Outcome Broker for the Green and Health Holmes Initiative (GHHI) in Jackson since October of 2014. She has worked with organizations, agencies, and community leaders to ensure affordable housing is healthy, safe, and energy efficient....Read More
The College of Public Service held its' annual Student Recognition Program on Thursday, April 20th at 5:30 p.m. held at the 101 W. Capitol Street (downtown campus) of Jackson State University. Purpose of the event was to honor respective graduates of CPS' three academic programs: Department of Public Policy and Administration, School of Social Work, and the...Read More
Congratulations are in order for five DURP students selected to participate in the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice Conference (DSCEJ). The students chosen are: Reggie Davis, MA student; Tiffany Lomax, PhD student; India Tate, MA student; Daniel Walker, PhD student; and Sabrina White, PhD student. Additionally, Le Bu a PhD student with the Department of Engineering at...Read More
(Pictured from left to right are): Marshand Crisler, DURP PhD student and Chief Executive Operator for the City of Jackson; Eric Jefferson, MA, AICP and Planning and Development Director with the City of Jackson; Dr. Evandro Santos, DURP Associate Professor; and Dean Ricardo A. Brown, College of Public Service and DURP Interim Chair October is designated as...Read More
You are cordially invited to attend a movie series called "Cinema and the City" sponsored by Dr. Evandro Santos, Associate Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning. The next movie will be Friday, November 4, 2016 @3:00 p.m. followed by a planning discussion. For additionl information about the movies chosen, please see the following link: profevandrosantos.wixsite.com/cinemaandthecity ...Read More
The Department of Urban and Regional Planning and the Department of Planning and Development are hosting a Brown Bag Lunch and Panel Discussion on Monday, October 31, 2016 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This event will culminate several planning activities held during this month commemorating October as "National Planning Month" as designated by the American...Read More
The Deparment of Urban and Regional Planning at Jackson State University in conjunction with the Planning Department with the City of Jackson are partnering up to host a poster contest to middle and high school students. October is deemed as "National Planning Month" by the American Planning Association. Students will envision what their ideal city...Read More
Copiah County held a community meeting to discuss what were some of the possible usages for the Millsaps Hotel if renovated. This discussion was lead by several representatives from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning: Dr. Joan Wesley, DURP associate professor; Sara Hidouk, M.A., DURP alumna and presenter; Abe Hudson, Jr., DURP Ph.D. student...Read More
The Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) has extended the accreditation period by two years through December 31, 2020 for the Master of Arts degree in Urban and Regional Planning. This is great news to celebrate as the program takes great pride in making their mark on educating and training future planning practioners. The Master of Arts degree was initiated with the establishment of...Read More
Great ideas come from DURP planners and the "TinyJXN" concept is nothing short of ground breaking! Fellow DURP Alumni Ashlee Kelly, M.A.; Akili Kelly, M.A.; and Jaynae Young, M.A. joined forces with several others visionaries: David Kinsey, Brandon Worsham, Sunny Fridge a mentor, and Chris Watkins who provided music for the YouTube video. They all participated...Read More