Contact Information:
Just Science Hall – Rm 327
Phone: (601) 979-7012
Fax: (601) 979-3630
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1996; Major: Physics (Optics & Photonics) Minor: Electrical Engineering
M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1994; Major: Physics
B.S., Jackson State University, 1990; Major: Physics
Research Interests
Nanomaterials (synthesis and characterization)
Transparent, conducting, flexible electronic materials
Fiber lasers
Photonic sensors
Renewable energy (Li-Ion batteries and ultracapacitors)
Geoscience (stratospheric ozone)
Recent or Ongoing Research/Contracts
Flexible Transparent Conducting Nanomaterial Development, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, U.S. Department of Defense, Principal Investigator: Quinton L. Williams, September 2006 – September 2008, $487,000
Optics and Photonics Research and Education: High Power Fiber Lasers for Eye-Safe LIDAR, Corning Incorporated, Principal Investigator: Quinton L. Williams, December 2005 – June 2009, $125,000.
Partnership with NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Principal Investigator: Quinton L. Williams, September 2006 – October 2011, $1,350,000.
Building and Maintaining a Pipeline for Diversity in Geosciences: Collaborative Proposal, National Science Foundation, Principal Investigator: Quinton L. Williams, August 2005 – August 2008, $488,644.
Advanced Lighting System Luminaire Development, Northrop Grumman Ship Systems, Principal Investigator: Quinton L. Williams, July 2004 – November 2009, $242,500.
Beta Test Site for Table-Top Scanning Electron Microscope, FEI Incorporated, Principal Investigator: Quinton L. Williams, November 2006 – October 2007, $30,000.