Phone Directory

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Sampson Hall Desk
Phone: 601-979-2685
School of Administrative Leadership
Phone: 601-979-2351 | Fax: 601-979-7048
School of Health Science
Phone: 601-368-8806 | Fax: 601-979-8809
School of Engineering
Phone: 601-979-4044 | Fax: 601-979-4045
School of LifeLong Learning
Phone: 601-432-6234 | Fax: 601-432-6461
School of Science & Technology
Phone: 601-979-2153 | Fax: 601-979-2058
School of Social Work, MSW
Phone: 601-432-6819 | Fax: 601-979-3603
Science & Technology Access to Research & Graduate Education (STARGE)
Phone: 601-979-2155 | Fax: 601-979-2058
Small Business Development Center/Bureau of Business & Economic Research
Phone: 601-979-2795 | Fax: 601-914-0833
Social Work, BSW Program
Phone: 601-979-2631 | Fax: 601-979-3603
Sociology Department
Phone: 601-979-2591 | Fax: 601-979-8275
Special Education
Phone: 601-979-2370 | Fax: 601-979-1493
Speech and Dramatic Arts Department
Phone: 601-979-2426 | Fax: 601-979-9072
Sponsored Programs
Phone: 601-979-2318 | Fax: 601-979-4355
Sports Information
Phone: 601-979-5899 | Fax: 601-979-2000
Staff Senate
Phone: 601-979-2825
Stewart Hall Desk
Phone: 601-979-2687
Student Government Office (SGA)
Phone: 601-979-2090 | Fax: 601-979-3496
Student Housing Dept.
Phone: 601-979-2326 | Fax: 601-979-4221
Student Life
Phone: 601-979-2241 | Fax: 601-979-8244
Phone: 601-979-2121 | Fax: 601-502-2627
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A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z