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HISTA at JSU had a successful inaugural summer academy! We closed out the program with closing ceremonies at the Jackson Medical Mall. Students had the opportunity to put their summer projects on display and receive certificates for their work. Mississippi State Department of Health Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Justin Turner was on hand to offer...
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Jackson State University PHIT staff recently attended the Office of the National Coordinator For Health Information Technology’s workforce program in Washington, DC. JSU is one of 10 ONC PHIT recipient institutions that were represented at the two-day event, June 20-21. This collaborative ONC meeting supported recipients’ efforts in building effective and sustainable programs focusing on...
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JSU HISTA students visited the Alcorn State University School of Nursing in Natchez last week to get a hands-on look at their training regimen. Students were able to simulate interactions with life like training dolls such as reading blood pressure or monitoring breathing.
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Jackson State University HISTA Academy Students recently participated in CPR training in the university’s General Purpose Room. As an additional part of the four week academy, nurses from the University of Mississippi Medical Center are helping to show students from the science behind saving lives.
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Why Informatics and Analytics at JSU? By: Dr. Girmay Berhie PhD. – P.I. Dr. Mario Azevedo – CO-P.I. Dr. Fidelis Ikem – CO-P.I.     “We need to prepare our students with the skills, knowledge, and values in Informatics and Analytics with a concentration in Bioinformatics, Data Science, Nursing Informatics (Alcorn), Health Informatics, Business Analytics,...
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