High school students in grades 7–12 are eligible to apply. Each applicant must submit an online application and that includes a audition recording. The audio file must be submitted via the online application portal. Applicants who wish to audition for more than one instrument must submit a separate music file for each instrument.
- Applicants must submit a complete online application via the Google Form. An application is considered complete when the application, and recording(s) are properly submitted through the portal.
- Applicants will be considered for selection after submission of all materials, including payment.
Honor String Orchestra Audition Requirements
All Instruments: Both assigned excerpts and a three octave scale of the candidates choosing. The scale must be performed in eight notes at Quarter Note = 48, with four notes slurred to a bow. (The “Galamian Turn” can be included if desired).
Honor Band Audition Requirements
All Winds: Major scales: Concert F, B-flat, A-flat, eighth notes at quarter note = 120, tongued ascending and slurred descending. Two octaves wherever within the practical range of the instrument. Chromatic scale: Full practical range of the instrument. Required etude excerpt.
Rudiments: Nine-stroke roll, flam, and paradiddle performed at quarter note = 80, quarter note = 120, and quarter note = 160 on a concert snare. Major scales: F, G-flat, G, A-flat, A (at least two octaves). Chromatic scale: is not required for percussion auditions. Required etude excerpt.
- $45 program fee for all participants
Fees Cover: Meals, Snacks, Masterclasses with applied instrumental faculty, T-Shirt, Award Ceremony, PRISM Concert and access to a world-class music performance facility.
All checks can be made payable to JSU Department of Music and mailed to:
JSU Music Department
1400 J.R. Lynch Street
P.O. Box 17055
Jackson, MS 39217
or via this online link: