Daning Chen, Ph.D
601 979 0246
Room 240, JSH
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI
Major: Mathematics
Ph. D. 1998 -
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL
Major: Mathematics
MS. 1992 -
Nanjing Normal University, (CHINA)
Nanjing, Jiangsu
Major: Math Education
BS. 1982
Professional Publications
Daning Chen, Xiaoping Shen, Arihant Karnawat, Alagu Sundaram Muthiah, & Saif Farooqui,
An effective Approach for Mass Transit Routing and Optimization.
Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7, 2014, no. 9, 405 – 407. -
Daning Chen, Jiecheng Chen & Dashan Fan, Riesz Potentials, Riesz Transforms
on Lipschitz Spaces in Compact Lie Groups. IAENG International of
Applied Mathematics. Volume 42, Issue 3, 2012, Page 135 – 141. -
Daning Chen, Yong Ding and Dashan Fan, Operators with rough singular kernels, Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications , Volume 337, Issue 2 , 2008, Pages 906-918