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Department of Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
College of Science, Engineering, and Technology


The programs we offer in the Department of Mathematics and statistical Sciences are comprehensive and will lead you to great career opportunities. If you join us you will grow to be a sophisticated mathematician or statistician. We acquaint you with the diverse areas of mathematics and statistics. You will discover the joy of learning mathematics or statistics. You will become a scholar. You will learn the beauty of both mathematics and statistics as an art. As you go through this site, you will discover our academic programs and our supporting activities.We offer programs leading to bachelor’s degrees in mathematics, statistics, secondary mathematics teaching. We also offer graduate programs leading to master’s degrees in mathematics, the teaching of mathematics and a doctorate with concentration in computational mathematics and statistical sciences and award scholarships and provide financial support to our top students. We are in the College of Science, Engineering, and Technology and our students work with faculty and students from many other departments. We have a highly qualified, caring, and dedicated faculty, who will train you to become the best mathematician or statistician you can be. The doctoral degree program with a concentration in computational mathematics and statistical sciences is through the College of Science, Engineering and Technology’s Ph.D. program in Computational Data-Enabled Sciences and Engineering (CDS&E). As a mathematician or statistician you can have careers in medical and pharmaceutical companies, high tech industries, and Wall Street Market trading and the doctorate prepares you for careers outside as well as within the academic setting. Mathematics and statistics are both challenging and interesting fields that almost all academic and professional fields depend on. To succeed, you will have to work hard and study diligently. We know you can do it and we are ready to help you. We urge you to come to Jackson State University and choose a major in the Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences.





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Our collaborators will help researchers collect data through well-designed experiments, analyze data through various popular statitical software (including R, SAS, SPSS, MINITAB, JMP, etc.), understand analysis results from software. Collaborators will also help researches present the results through tables and graphs, draw conclusions or inferences statistically and interpret to audience who maybe not experts in statistics.

The following is a list of common areas of collaboration we may provide:

  1. Experimental Design
  2. Computational Statistics
  3. Regression Analysis
  4. General Data Evaluation (to suggest researchers to adopt suitable statistical methods for Economic, Financial, Environmental,  Sports data as well as data sets from other research fields)
  5. Mathematical Statistics and Probability
  6. Multivariate Analysis
  7. Nonparametric Analysis
  8. Time Series
  9. Biostatistics
  10. Statistics Training Workshops


LISA-QED of JSU provides 10 hours free collaboration and consultation services a semester for JSU faculty, staff and students. Collaboration of a project more than 10 hours may also be provided with a co-authorship of joint publications. 

We also provide collaboration and consultation services for local institutions, companies and organizations.

Curriculum and General Requirements


Looking for a way to pay for your tenure at Jackson State University? Fear not! We are here to help. Browse Scholarships in our Scholarship Portal to see what you qualify for today.

Apply for Scholarships



Math majors have a plethora of career options after studying:

Actuary, Analytics/Forecasting Hydrologist Actuarial Analyst Mathematics Teacher
Actuary, Model Risk & Governance Legal Specialist  Quantitative Trading Strategy Analyst Sports Statistician
Actuary Biostatistician Mathematical Statistician Data Scientist – Statistician



Important Dates

Research Positions/Other





CSET Scholars Academy



For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-2586 or submit your questions and requests to  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



John A. Peoples Science Building, Room 335


(601) 979-2161 or email us at

Mailing Address

Jackson State University,
Department of Mathematics,
1400 J.R. Lynch St.,
P.O. Box 18540, Jackson, MS 39217