The Margaret Walker Center is an archive, museum, and Black Studies institute, dedicated to the preservation, interpretation, and dissemination of African American history and culture for a local and global community of students, scholars, and supporters.
Vision and Goals
Founded by Margaret Walker in 1968, the Center seeks to honor her academic, artistic, and activist legacy by expanding and promoting its manuscript holdings and oral history collections, interpreting African American history and culture through its museum and exhibits, coordinating public programs on campus and throughout the community, preserving historic structures central to the African American experience, and advocating for a degree-granting Black Studies program at Jackson State University.
Mellon Oral Historian
Email: alissa.funderburk@jsums.edu
Phone: 601.979.3144
Location: Ayer Hall, 322

Patrice Jones, MS
Administrative Assistant/Building Administrator
Email: patrice.l.jones@jsums.edu
Phone: 601.979.2735
Location: Ayer Hall, 203
Margaret Walker Center
College of Liberal Arts
Jackson State University
Ayer Hall
1400 J.R. Lynch Street
P.O. Box 17008
Jackson, MS 39217

Phone: 601-979-3935
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