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Charles Payne and John Dittmer Commemoration

Charles Payne and John Dittmer Commemoration

January 16, 2025

Our keynote speaker for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Convocation, Dr. Charles Payne, will participate in a commemoration of the 30th anniversary of his book, I've Got the Light of Freedom: The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle, and that of the late Dr. John Dittmer, Local People: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi. It will also be the 60th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. This special event will take place on the afternoon of Thursday, January 16, at the COFO Civil Rights Education Center at 1017 John R. Lynch Street.

COFO Civil Rights Education Center
1017 John R. Lynch St.
Jackson, Mississippi 39203

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