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Jie Ke, PhD

Associate Professor of Human Resource Development


Dr. Jie Ke teaches HRD courses and general leadership and communication classes for the School of Lifelong Learning. Her research interests include Effectiveness of eLearning, Evaluation and Assessment, Sustainable HRD/HRM/HR, Motivations and Needs of Adult Undergraduates, Chinese Human Resource Development/Management, and Women Leadership Development.


Ph.D.         Human Resource Development,  (Minor: Higher Education Administration, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA

M.B.A.       Business Administration, (Minor: Accounting and Finance), EDHEC, Lille, France

B.A.            English Language and Literature, Anhui University, Hefei, China


Ke, J. (Accepted, 2024). Enhancing critical thinking skills through writing-to-learn pedagogy in STEM education. The Researcher.

Chang, Y.L., & Ke, J. (2024). Socially Responsible Artificial Intelligence (SRAI) Empowered People Analytics: Towards Corporate Social Responsibilities and Sustainability. Human Resource Development Review Special Issue: People Analytics: One Giant Leap for Connecting Theories and Practice, 0(0) 1–33.

Li, E.H., Feng, Y., & Ke, J. (Accepted, 2024). Challenges and ethical concerns of utilizing AI in training and development. In Amin A., Khalil D., & Jessica L. (Eds.). Artificial intelligence in human resource development: Transforming and redesigning the process. Palgrave Macmillan.

Chang, Y.L., & Ke, J. (Accepted, 2024). Implementing Socially Responsible AI to Facilitate Organization Change, Sustainability, and Future Readiness. In Amin A., Khalil D., & Jessica L. (Eds.). Artificial intelligence in human resource development: Transforming and redesigning the process. Palgrave Macmillan.

Ke, J. & McLean, G.N. (Eds.) (2023). Chinese women in leadership. Palgrave Macmillan.

Ke, J. & Bingham, M.J. (2023). China in a Non-Asian context. In J. Ke, & G.N. McLean (Eds.). Chinese women in leadership. Palgrave Macmillan.

Ke, J. & Sun, J.Y. (2023). Overview: Why are we focusing on developing women leaders in China? In J. Ke, & G.N. McLean (Eds.). Chinese women in leadership. Palgrave Macmillan.

Ke, J., Bingham, M., Kang, R., & Liu, D. (2021). International perspective on teacher continuing and professional development: Implications for HRD. Journal of HRD Practice Policy and Research, 5(1), 23-42.

Kang, R., Hyatt, C., & Ke, J. (2020). Faculty intellectual property rights in distance learning courses. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice.

Li, J., Sun, J., Lianjuan, W., & Ke, J. (2020). The development of the second-generation women successors in Chinese family-owned businesses: Implications for HRD. Advances in Developing Human Resources Special Issue: Global Women Entrepreneurs, 2(2),

Ke, J., & Wheaton, D.L. (Accepted; Oct., 2019). Proposing an Andragogy-aligned instructional design to improve persistence and completion of non-traditional adult undergraduates. The Nontrad Journal.

Bingham, M., Ke, J., Wilson, C., Smith, G., & Lewis, C. (2019). An analysis of selected credit for prior learning programs at Historically Black Colleges & Universities and a Predominantly White Institution. The Nontrad Journal.