The Southwest Mississippi Education Consortium (SMEC)/ Regional Education Service Center is sponsored by the School of Lifelong Learning at Jackson State University which represents one of six regional education service centers that provide professional development and community services to diverse educational entities across Mississippi. SMEC partners with public and private education providers for the following purposes: to unify supplement, enhance and expand the capacity of member agencies toward improving the quality of their students' academic outcome.
SMEC offers a systematic approach of delivering professional development programs and services to educators. These offerings are delivered through workshops, conferences, seminars, interactive video and on-line training. Some of the professional development, support services and/or programs are consistent with the needs of requesting members, such as: technology, curriculum and instruction, evaluation, research, leadership, grant writing, educational classroom management, safety, literacy, networking opportunity, cultural diversity and others. These training sessions are delivered by a high quality resource pool of trained technical assistants to provide on-site services. Through the team, partnering educators have a wealth of diverse resources and the benefit of many years of experience.
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