JSU Advance

JSU ADVANCE contains six components:
(1) Summer Writing Retreat with Academic Year Follow-Ups
The Summer Writing Retreat provides a means of supporting the research career of STEM-SBS female faculty by providing a circle of faculty who focus on completing either a refereed paper or proposal during the summer. The goal is to redefine the role of female faculty in STEM-SBS by strengthening their research and writing knowledge. Ultimately, this component can be used to support all pre-tenure faculty, as part of the university’s promotion/tenure review process.
(2) Visibility Plan for Senior Faculty Women
The establishment of visibility opportunities specifically designed for JSU STEM-SBS senior women faculty to expand their horizons, and highlight their work and accomplishments locally, nationally, and abroad is proposed. This component should also be considered as part of a university wide program available to all faculty, which will help the university achieve greater overall visibility.
(3) Mentoring Program for Junior Faculty Women
A mentoring program is established to support tenure and promotion of STEM-SBS junior women. Senior faculty helps identify criteria for success and address strategies for advancement. This mentoring component will become a model for university wide application to assure success of all faculty, regardless of race or gender.
(4) Leadership Component for Female Faculty
A plan to mentor female administrators in advancing to upper administration and female faculty interested in becoming administrators is proposed. Leadership mentoring relationships will be formed specifically for STEM-SBS women who are administrators seeking to advance into upper administration, or faculty seeking to advance into administration at all levels.
The goal of Bias Awareness Training is to transform the informal culture of the university by providing information to employees designed to help them understand and eliminate bias. Focus Groups and other methods of transforming the informal culture will be established. All methods will be infused with bias prevention educational strategies. These strategies will be designed to educate and to mitigate bias by examining and rectifying issues that impact the retention and promotion of STEM-SBS female faculty on the campus.
(6) Policy Review, Modification and Adoption
An in-depth review of JSU Policies and Procedures will be conducted.