The Summer Writing Retreat (SWR) provides a means of support for the research careers of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) women faculty. The SWR curriculum is designed to enhance the participants' research and writing skills to increase publication of peer-reviewed articles and to increase the quality of grant proposals submitted. The SWR also promotes the cohesion of a circle of scholarly writers and the self-discipline of daily writing. The overall goal is to redefine the role of women faculty in STEM and SBS by strengthening their publishing and grant writing productivity within their departments. The SWR can support pre-tenure or tenured faculty, as part of the university’s promotion and tenure review process.
The first residential week of the Summer Writing Retreat is scheduled for May 26 – 31, 2014 at the Duncan Gray Episcopal Camp and Conference Center in Canton, MS; and the second residential week is scheduled for July 27 – August 2, 2014 at Homewood Suites in Daphne, AL.
Conditions of Participation:
- * Participants must commit to full attendance for both weeks.
- * Teaching is not allowed during the summer period.
- * A full proposal or a completed manuscript ready for submission to a funding agency or a refereed journal/conference proceeding will be required at the end of the summer.
- * Participants must present their research to the group of participants and invited guests at the end of the summer.
- * $10,000 stipend awards will be given to ten women faculty selected to participate in the 2014 Summer Writing Retreat. This is contingent on the funding the faculty member is already receiving. (Awards cannot exceed a two months' salary for the faculty member.)
- * Participants must provide weekly updates on the status of their projects.
- * Participants must sign a contractual agreement upon selection.
Application Requirements:
- * Complete the online application by March 21, 2014.
- * Provide a current vita by email.
- * Have selected or begun a writing project, i.e., grant proposal, manuscript of a book chapter, or a research article to work on during the SWR.
- * Successful applicants will be notified by March 28, 2014 and must accept by April 4, 2014.
>> Apply Now!