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JSU CYBER AWARENESS | Jackson State University > Systems-Network Share and Storage Policy



JSU must establish rules and operating parameters for JSU employees and third party vendors’ access to the University’s shared storage tor JSU related electronic information, including Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint slides, PDF documents, database reports, etc.

Policy Number: 50000.014
Effective Date: 12/2013
Review/Revised Date: 3/09/2025
Category: Information Technology
Policy Owner: CIO/Information Technology
Policy Contact: CISO/Information Technology


Policy Statement

Network Shared Storage is a resource provided by Jackson State University (“JSU” or “University”) Department of Computing and Communications (“DCC”) for the purpose of storing current work-related electronic data. Use of this Shared Storage is optional and is provided upon request. The main purpose of the shared storage is to store JSU related electronic information, including Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint slides, PDF documents, database reports, etc.



Purpose of this document is to explain about Network Shared Storage, its benefits, and its policies and procedures as well as to define acceptable and unacceptable usage of storage.



  • Information Technology (“IT”) – use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information.
  • Network Shared Storage is also known as network shared drive, which is a secure shared storage provided by DCC to store electronic information.


Employee Adherence

This policy applies to all JSU employees including faculty, staff, students, alumni, contractors, consultants, vendors, and other workers at JSU, including all personnel affiliated with third parties.



  • All users of Network Shared Storage should have read and signed “Digital and Electronic Copyright Infringement Policy.” 
  • All Users/Departments requesting Network Shared Storage is required to complete a “JSU Network Storage Request Form.” 
  • Upon receipt and review of your shared drive request, DCC will notify user within 3-5 business days of the status via JSU e-mail or by phone.
  • Storage of illegal or copyrighted materials outside of individual ownership or academic fair use is prohibited.
  • All users are required to use JSU DCC resources in an effective, efficient, ethical, and lawful manner. Use of JSU IT resources must be consistent with the mission of the University and all applicable laws and policies.
  • Individuals and departments may request a quota increase. Upon receipt of a request, the drive space will be reviewed for compliance with the data storage policy. Additional space may be allocated based upon need and availability of resources.
  • Network Share is an internal intranet Storage and available only to JSU Employees. The Storage is not accessible off-Campus (commercial Internet).
  • All files stored in JSU DCC Storage are assumed to be the property of JSU and are to be used for University-related purposes only.
  • Copyrighted and non-licensed materials are not allowed on the Shared Storage. This includes all forms of multi-media data, particularly music and video files.
  • It is the responsibility of the Network Share Storage user/administrator to back up a copy of shared files at all the times.
  • Head of the department or a supervisor will appoint an administrator (technical/non-technical) to manage the shared drive.
  • Network data storage is intended for critical data access from multiple locations; it is not intended to archive large amounts of non-critical or personal data.
  • In the event that extraordinary individual circumstances (as determined by DIT) suggest that a faculty or staff member requires additional network storage space in order to perform his/her professional responsibilities, a supplemental data storage solution will be proposed, which may include increasing an individual’s storage quota or establishing data storage access on a separate server.
  • DCC reserves the right to suspend network data storage access if it does not comply with DCC policy and procedures. Storage of illegal or copyrighted materials outside of individual ownership or academic fair use is prohibited.

Note: Approval of Network Shared Storage for Users/Departments depends on the DCC available resources.


  • Requisite (Technical/Non-Technical) is responsible to back up their network shared data.

Storage Guidelines

  • User (Technical/Non-technical) should conform to JSU DCC guidelines as well as to manage your data more effectively.
  • Only School related data and files can be stored on our infrastructure. The School assumes no responsibility for the loss, protection or restoration of personal data.
  • Data storage is a finite resource that needs to be managed proactively, and has detrimental impact on our academic programs and infrastructure if it goes unchecked.
  • Files and folders should be named appropriately and uniquely for ease of management and discovery should a restoration of data be required.


Policy Compliance

Faculty, Staff, Students

  • Network Share Request – Department head or area administrator (technical/non-technical) need to complete “JSU Network Storage Request Form” to initiate the process. Upon approval of the request, DCC will setup a network share with a storage quota.
  • Users are expected to use JSU DCC resources in a responsible manner.
  • DCC is responsible for monitoring network drive space and notifying individuals and departments when they exceed the allotted space.
  • DCC responsible for ensuring that the storage resources are sufficient to meet the employee and department needs.

Note: DCC is only responsible for creating a network share and giving access to requestor (after approval from DIT) and not for network shared data backup.


Related Standards, Policies, and Processes

  • JSU Network Storage Request Form



1400 John R. Lynch Street
Student Center
Jackson, MS 39217-0280

Phone: 601.979.2241