When Does FERPA Rights Begin/End for a Student?
A student is in attendance as defined by JSU. At JSU this means the student officially completed registration, is enrolled and is attending courses.
- Students continue to have FERPA rights even after they have left or graduated from .JSU
- Student FERPA Rights are only terminated upon death of the student.
What if I applied to JSU to become a student but was not admitted?
FERPA Rights Do Not cover students who were not admitted to JSU or never attended JSU.
Who Has Access to My Education Records?
- Students may access their information
- Parents who claim the student as a dependent on taxes (must provide proof to registrars office)
- Any party that the students authorizes by providing JSU with a written consent form (must include: date, which data/records to release, recipient’s name & student signature)
- Designated employee of JSU may access student data if it is needed to conduct their job duties & who have a “legitimate educational interest”
What Type of Student Data Does JSU Collect that Must be Protected?
- Registration Forms (paper & electronic)
- Transcripts
- Grades
- Schedules
- Class Rosters
- Documents with student SSN
- Any student PII data displayed electronically
How is this data Shared/Released?
Students- release ,on paper(mail), online behind a secure web portal (ex. JSU PAWS) by phone, or email listed in JSU student directory, in person(photo of Student ID)
Colleagues- by phone or email only after you have verified who you are talking to and that it is “a legitimate interest”
3rd party- release only upon student request and with a documented written consent (Never release FERPA protected Data at the request of a 3rd party)