For questions or training on any of these Ellucian products, please send an email to
Banner by Ellucian
Banner® by Ellucian is the world’s leading higher education Enterprise Resource Planning software—the solution of choice for almost 1,400 institutions in 40 countries. With the industry’s most comprehensive set of features and future-ready technology, Banner strengthens every major workflow in higher education, from student recruiting and retention to talent attraction and management. Banner encompasses Advancement, Finance, Financial Aid, Human Resources/Payroll, and Student modules designed to support the breadth of administrative functions across the institution.
Internet Native Banner (INB) is a set of administrative pages that allow users to query or maintain data in the Banner Oracle database. Special training and permissions are required to use INB and the system is monitored to ensure data security. Access to INB is limited to employees with a demonstrated need through job requirements. Request access through the online process in PAWS, Employee tab.
P.A.W.S., or Self-Service Banner (SSB) provides users with functionality specific to their daily operations. As a student, employee, finance user, faculty or advisor, or alumni, users of PAWS have an array of information at their fingertips. From entering purchase orders for an academic department, submitting a change of major for a student, or looking up past tax information by an employee, P.A.W.S. can be your one-stop-shop. Employees are provided access to PAWS upon hire through the HR department. Students are provided access to PAWS through enrollment and financial aid.
Change of Major – User Guide
Resetting Your PAWS (Self Service Banner) PIN
Banner Document Management
Banner Document Management helps students and staff stay productive with efficient imaging technology. Paper records can be misplaced but images of those records can be added electronically to records in Banner and can be displayed through the Banner modules.
Ellucian Degree Works
Ellucian Degree Works™ is a comprehensive academic advising, transfer articulation, and degree audit solution that aligns students, advisors, and institutions to a common goal: helping students graduate on time.
The Student Educational Planner allows students and advisors to plan, by term, when courses will be taken to stay on the path to completion.
Transfer Equivalency provides prospective students a tool to determine how courses credits earned at other institutions will apply at JSU.
Advisors Guide to Degree Works
About Degree Works
Transfer Equivalency
Ellucian Mobile
Ellucian Mobile is a complete mobile solution that integrates with Banner. Customized for Jackson State University, JSU Go provides students access to grades, financial account information, registration, and day-to-day activities for students on the go.
Mobile for Student Registration
Mobile 4.5 Instructions
Banner Operational Data Store/Cognos Reporting
The Banner® Operational Data Store provides a consistent view of institutional data across the JSU campus. Because it presents data using familiar business terms and definitions, users can easily access the information they need to manage operational reporting, perform ad hoc queries, and make better decisions about their daily responsibilities. Cognos, an IBM reporting tool, is used to quickly and efficiently present complex information in report and dashboard formats.
Travel and Expense Management
Travelers at JSU will find the convenience and flexibility of using the Banner Finance Travel and Expense module to prepare for travel through travel requisitions and approvals and the follow-up from travel for expense reimbursement.