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Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Industrial Systems & Technology

College of Science, Engineering, and Technology


The Industrial Technology Program prepares students for supervisory and management positions in the production, automation, maintenance or logistics areas of industry.

Program Learning Outcomes


The Industrial Technology Program has program learning outcomes (PLOs) for each of its three Concentrations as listed below.


Program Learning Outcomes for Computer Technology Concentration

Upon graduation, the graduates will be able

  1. to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and technology principles to identify and solve computer related problems
  2. to manage and maintain computer-based systems and computer networks
  3. to use current techniques, skills, and tools to analyze and design a computer-based system
  4. to work effectively in project teams
  5. to communicate effectively both orally and in writing


Program Learning Outcomes for Electronic Systems Technology Concentration

Upon graduation, the graduates will be able

  1. to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and technology principles to identify and solve of Electronics and Electronics Systems related problems
  2. to manage, and maintain electronic equipment and electronics systems
  3. to use current techniques, skills, and tools to analyze and design a microcontroller-based system
  4. to work effectively in project teams
  5. to communicate effectively both in written technical documents and oral presentations



Program Learning Outcomes for Emergency Management Technology Concentration

Upon graduation, the graduates will be able

  1. to explain the basic functions of Emergency Management (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery), and how to apply those functions across sectors (national, state, and local levels).
  2. to communicate effectively, both written and oral, in lieu of emergency situations.
  3. to organize and collaborate with multi-disciplinary and multi-agency entities regarding emergency response and recovery.
  4. to apply technical knowledge ranging from basic computer application, simulations for preparedness and response training, incident planning, and management of technologies.
  5. to demonstrate knowledge of legal and ethical matters toward communities impacted by disasters.
  6. to demonstrate research abilities of emergency management principles, theories, and impacts from historical disaster reference (lessons learned) to promote further enhancement in emergency preparedness and response.


Assessment of Program Learning Outcomes

The Industrial Technology Program has been accredited by the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE), formerly known as the National Association of Industrial Technology (NAIT), since 1988. ATMAE is a specialized accreditor for technology, management, and applied engineering degrees. The primary purpose of ATMAE accreditation is to encourage and recognize the attainment of certain professional goals and standards for technology and to encourage continuous quality improvement through a voluntary and comprehensive evaluation process. ATMAE sets rigorous standards for the assessment of the PLOs of a technology program. For more information about ATMAE, visit

The Industrial Technology Program employs direct and indirect measures, as well as other means, to assess the attainments of the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for the three concentrations. Assessment data from the direct and indirect measures are collected every semester and evaluated every year to identify areas that need improvement. Other means, such as Alumni Survey and Employer Satisfaction Survey, are conducted every 3-5 years.

The primary direct measure for assessment is the Course-Based Assessment. The student learning outcomes (SLOs) of junior and senior major courses of each Concentration are mapped with the PLOs of the Concentration. The SLOs are assessed using relevant exam problems or special assignments (e.g., a design project or a special research report). The criterion for success is that 80% of the students achieve a score of 3 or higher on a 1-5 scale for each SLO.

The indirect measure is meanly the Exit Interview. The Exit Interview is conducted with all graduating senior students using a Senior Exit Interview Form. This tool is based on students’ perceptions over their periods of study in the program. The interview is typically conducted a few days before their graduation ceremony. The interview form covers all the PLOs of the concentration along with other aspects of the Program. Students rate each PLO on a 1 to 5 scale. The criterion for success is that each PLO is rated 3 or higher by at least 80% of the students.

Other means as listed below are also used to indirectly assess the PLOs and provide insights for possible improvements to the Program.

  1. Alumni Survey. An alumni survey is conducted every 3-5 years with the graduates of each concentration of the Program. The contents of the Alumni Survey Form include the graduates’ advancements in their careers after 3-5 years of graduation as well as their evaluations on the PLOs of the Program.
  2. Employer Satisfaction Survey. A survey is conducted every 3-5 years with the employers of the graduates after they have graduated for 3-5 years, to gain the employers’ satisfactions and feedback on the performances of the Program’s graduates. An Employer Survey Form is used for this purpose. The goal is that 80% of the graduates satisfy the employers’ expectations. If some weak areas are found, improvement actions will be taken in the operation of the Program and the relevant Concentrations.
  3. External Advisory Board Evaluations. The EAB consists of eleven (11) technology professionals from the local industrial firms. At the annual meeting of the EAB, one of the items on the agenda is for the EAB members to evaluate the status of our Program and make recommendations for improvements if needed.


Based on the PLO assessment results using all the measures mentioned above, areas that need improvement regarding each PLO can be identified and improvement measures can be implemented.


For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-3913.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



Civil & Environmental Engineering and Industrial Systems & Technology
1400 J.R. Lynch Street
P. O. Box 17068
Jackson, MS 39217, USA


Tel. No. 601-979-3913