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Human Resources

HR Meeting

Active Shooter Training

Jackson State University is committed to the safety, welfare, and security of its students, employees, and the general public.  Therefore, to ensure campus safety and compliance with Executive Order 1411, all employees are required to complete the Active Shooter Situations Training offered by the Mississippi State Personnel Board.  The training is targeted to reach a broad range of individuals so they can be prepared to respond in an active shooter situation.  The course is online, self-paced and takes about 30 minutes to complete.

Once the course is completed, the employee will need to print, sign, date, and add a J#  to the completion certificate.  All signed certificates of completion should be email to Gean Tucker-Johnson in the Department of Public Safety using the email address    A record of the course completion certificate will be kept on file and used by the Office of the President to certify that all University employees have completed the course.

There are three (3) quizzes throughout the presentation.  You must past the third and final quiz in order to print your completion certificate.  If you do not pass the final quiz, you must repeat the entire course.

Note:  To print your completion acknowledgement after passing Quiz 3, print the acknowledgement using your browser’s printing option or by taking a screenshot.


Active Shooter Situations eLearning Link: (Posted February 2018)

Training Resources:

Instructions for Active Shooter Situations eLearning (Posted February 2018)

Executive Order 1411 – Active Shooter Situations Training  (Posted February 2018)

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Active Shooter Booklet | Active Shooter Poster | Active Shooter Pocket Card

About Human Resources
HR Paperwork

About Human Resources

The role of the Division of Human Resources (HR) is to advance the overall mission of the University by providing quality support to the University for the following areas including, but not limited to:

Talent Acquisition
Salary and Benefits Administration
Employer and Employee Relations
Student Employment
Professional and Workforce Development
Policy and Procedures

The Division of Human Resources supports the University pillars of student centeredness, teamwork and collegiality, and the pursuit of excellence.  We are committed to excellence, honesty and integrity in all that we do and strive to build and maintain effective partnerships while promoting an environment in which human values and relationships are respected, diversity is supported, and people are recognized as our most valuable resource.



JSU Online Open Enrollment

Division of Human Resources


College of Business Suite #530
1400 J.R. Lynch Street
Jackson, MS 39217

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 17028
Jackson, MS 39217


Phone: (601)-979-2015
Fax: (601)979-9090