W.E.B. Du Bois – Maria Luisa Alvarez Harvey Honors College

Honors’ College Alumni Network
The Du Bois- Harvey Honors Experience @ JSU
The pinnacle undergraduate environment that facilitates leadership development through self, community, and global awareness; involvement in scholarship that fosters uniqueness and decision-making maturity; research-based inquiry and discovery of solutions to local, national and international dilemmas; and immersion of technology usage.
Improve Visibility and Prestige of the Du Bois – Harvey Honors College (HC)
Honors College Alumni Network (HCAN) has been created to provide internships, jobs, networks, presentations, scholarships and fund raising opportunities that benefit current members of the Du Bois – Harvey Honors College.
Two-Hundred Honors College alumni will participate in the Alumni Network
Ten Honors College Alumni will serve as the Board of the HCAN
Honors College Alumni will create internship, research and job opportunities, networks, scholarships, and conduct presentations for current Honors College members
As alumni, you’re a part of the JSU Honors College family and we want to connect you with other alumni and most importantly to current students; future generations of Honors College graduates. A group of Honors College Alumni has come together to create the Honors College Alumni Network (HCAN) and this founding group is serving as the board. HCAN is created to provide internships, jobs, presentations and fundraising opportunities that benefit current members. Currently, there is a board made up of eight Honors College Alumni. Ultimately, HCAN will serve as the alumni connection to assist, create, facilitate, and sponsor Honors College initiatives and efforts.
This HCAN Board has met since fall 2016 and has included on their agenda the need to create an Endowed Scholarship in honor of Dr. Harvey. Further, they are crafting the structure of the HCAN so that efforts to continue the legacy of Honors at JSU will be coordinated and communicated to the masses.
To join the W.E.B. Du Bois – Maria Luisa Alvarez Harvey Honors College HCAN, please contact 601.979.2107 or complete the form below.
Make A Gift Dr. Maria Luisa Alvarez Harvey Endowment Scholarship