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W.E.B. Du Bois – Maria Luisa Alvarez Harvey Honors College

Honors College Directory

Faculty & Staff



Dr. Loria Brown Gordon
Associate Dean of W.E.B. Du Bois Honors College
Charles F. Moore Building Room 105
Phone: 601.979.2107







Dr. Pamala Heard
Director of Honor Student Services and Activities
Charles F. Moore Building Room 105
Phone: 601.979.3418

Faculty Liaisons

Faculty Name                   College                                             Email

Dr. Helen Crump             College of Liberal Arts             

Dr. Johnny Gilleylen        College of Public Service        

Dr. Lennie Little               College of Education and                                                                                       Human Development

Dr. Sheila Porterfield       College of Business                

Dr. Wilbur Walters           College of Science, Engineering                                                                                 and Technology    

Academic Council

Dr. Walter Brown                       Email:

Dr. Sophia S. Leggett                 Email:

Dr. Marie O’Banner-Jackson       Email:

Dr. Dal Didia                                 Email:

Dr. Perselfannie McDaniels          Email:


Advisory Board Committee

Dr. Loria Brown Gordon

Dr. Pamala Heard

Ms. Lori Swanier

Dr. Ingrad Smith

Ms. Lashanda Jordan

Ms. Jeannese Alexander

Dr. Martha Tchounwou

Ms. Eltease Moore

Dr. Melissa Druckrey

Mr. Cary Smith

Ms. Aniqua Harris

Ms. Michayla Hunter

Mr. Jeremy Johnson

McNair Scholars Program

Du Bois - Harvey Debaters

Mission Statement: 

The Du Bois – Harvey Debaters program exists to complement the curriculum, engage members in scholarly discourse and research methods, and provide an enhanced educational experience through members learning to compare world issues, compete successfully and employ ethical conduct in comparing world issues. 


  •   To create a healthy atmosphere of seeking knowledge through research 
  •   Develop confidence and expertise in public speaking and communications skills
  •   Provide a uniquely rewarding educational experience 
  •   To create opportunities for cultural awareness and experiences 



  • Members will improve their oratorical, analytical and research skills 
  • Members will learn and participate in the various debate formats: policy, parliamentary, and teams world
  • Members will participate and host debate events: camps, public debates, intercollegiate tournaments, training, and debate viewing parties 

Peer-to-Peer Mentor

Mission Statement:

The Du Bois Peer Mentor Program is designed to provide freshman Honors College members with upper-class Peer Mentors who serve as positive role models to promote healthy lifestyles, assist in the transition to college and provide services to the Honors College.


  • Provide caring mentoring relationships between new students and upper-class Honors College members, primarily within the same academic department
  • Extend the orientation process by providing the necessary information to JSU’s first-semester students when they actually need it. This process will help promote an effortless transition for new students who enroll at JSU
  • Encourage and support new students in achieving student success through their academic and personal goals
  • Promote involvement in JSU Honors College programs, activities, and events along with the campus community


  • To assist new members with the transition to college
  • To provide role-models and leadership among members
  • To provide a variety of social and educational activities
  • To strengthen Honors College connections for first year members by developing mutually beneficial, positive and lasting relationships
  • Provide students with information regarding campus resources
  • To encourage student engagement and involvement through their college career
  • Provide peer mentors with opportunities for developing skills in leadership, programming, relationship building, and wellness education

Advocates for World Health

AWHEALTH, Jackson State University Chapter

Mission Statement:  

Advocates for World Health honors student chapter at Jackson State University works with the parent nonprofit to collect and redistribute medical products to improve healthcare in the US and aboard (third world countries).   


  •  To collect and supply surplus medical products to the market
  •  Deliver surplus medical products them to people that need it most
  • Redirect unused medical supplies away from landfills and incinerators 
  • Provide leadership experiences to Honors College Students 



  • Students to organize and facilitate the chapter, filling all required positions 
  • Students will collect medical supplies and redistribute them to parent non profit 
  • Students will sponsor shipments to go to recipients 
  • Students will learn the various types of medical supplies and equipments and how to sort them for redistribution 
  • Students will development marketing, volunteer, and fundraising plan

Du Bois-Harvey Academic Advising

Academic Advising Aide (TRIPLE A)

Mission Statement:

The mission of the W.E.B. Du Bois – Harvey Honors College Academic Advising Aide (TRIPLE A) program is to provide exceptional paraprofessional assistance to the staff of the Honors College during peak registration periods.

Description of Academic Advising Aides (TRIPLE A):

  • TRIPLE A members are current Honors College sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are committed to student success at Jackson State University.
  • TRIPLE A members spend time in the Honors College preparing for registration periods by ensuring that all items needed for advisement are stocked and ready for use by the  Honors College staff.
  • TRIPLE A members assist with the active registration process. TRIPLE A members greet new members, explain the curriculum and assist with proper course selection. Once course selection is complete, TRIPLE A members escort students to Honors College staff for final review and course entry.
  • In conjunction with the Academic Advisor, a select group of TRIPLE A members will have monthly informal JAMS (Just About Math and Science) sessions with freshman Honors College members to discuss progress in Math and Science courses.  Those who are struggling will be provided individual academic advisement and intervention.  If necessary, they will be referred to study groups or tutorials.

Program Objectives:

  • To promote a positive registration experience for incoming Honors College freshmen
  • To expedite the registration process for new Honors College members
  • To forge beneficial relationships between current and new Honors College members
  • To develop a spirit of teamwork and cooperation among Honors College members
  • To build professional leadership skills in Honors College members

Du Bois-Harvey Honors Council


The mission of the Du Bois – Harvey Honors Council at Jackson State University is to provide an invigorating honors student experience that promotes the proliferation of creativity, supports intellectual inquiry and discovery, and enhances critical and analytical thinking among selected high-achieving scholars. The Du Bois – Harvey Honors Council’s primary mission is to provide events and activities that we feel will help the honor student body throughout their matriculation as members of the Du Bois – Harvey Honors College.

2020-2021 Honors Council Officers:

President:  Madison Cathey
Vice-President:  Essence Morgan
Community Service:  Taylor Scott
Public Relations:  Halle Coleman
Secretary:  Masiel Vargas
Treasurer:  Keanna Abraham
Miss W.E.B. Du Bois:  Sydney Bridgwaters
Mr. W.E.B. Du Bois: Keaton Richardson
Freshman Representatives (2): TBA
Sophomore Representatives (2): Kenidi Sanders, Christany Liggins
Junior Representatives (2): Destine Bandy, Jamese Green
Senior Representatives (2): Arion Parks
SGA Representative: Nia Hodges
CAB Representative: Shyuanna Rodgers


Contact: Madison Cathey- 

Advisor: Dr. Pamala Heard –  or 601.979.3418
How to Join:

Du Bois – Harvey Honors Council students participate in community service projects, educational and academic programs, and research activities to enable members to realize their potential through the advancement of academics, leadership, and service. For current activities, please contact 601.979.2107



W.E.B. Du Bois – Maria Luisa Alvarez Harvey Honors College, Charles F. Moore Building – Room 105
1400 J.R. Lynch Street
P.O. Box 17004,
Jackson, MS 39217


Phone: 601.979.2107
Fax: 601.203.6190