History department members Robert Luckett, Lomarsh Roopnarine, Kofi Boukman Barima, Charles Holbrook, Joshua Cotton, Mario Azevedo, Rico Chapman, and Janice Brockley will be presenting at the Conference on the Liberal Arts 2016 at JSU on October 6-8. The conference will bring scholars from around the globe to explore the reasons Liberal Arts disciplines are undervalued by students, parents, and others and to examine how we might [re]define or reframe our roles in an increasingly multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary academic world in which job preparedness appears to be the goal of higher education rather than critical and analytical thinking and writing.
On Friday, October 7, a series of free plenary sessions will be available to the general public, including a keynote address by Dr. William D. Adams, Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, at 2 p.m. in the JSU College of Liberal Arts room 166/266. Chairman Adams will discuss "the ways a robust liberal arts education can help students confront the opportunities and concerns of the 21st Century."
For further information: Conference Schedule /// Conference Registration