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Undergraduates: Present your research: Abstract due March 1, 2017

JSU Websites > Department of History and Philosophy | Jackson State University > News > News > Undergraduates: Present your research: Abstract due March 1, 2017

The History Department at Mississippi State University invites undergraduate scholars to submit papers for the ninth annual Symposium for History Undergraduate Research (SHUR). The symposium, "Looking Back to the Future: Examining the Anomalies of the Past," will provide students with the opportunity to present their research in the format of an academic history conference and have their work discussed by Mississippi State history professors. The event is scheduled for April 28-29, 2017, on the Mississippi State University campus in Starkville.

Papers are welcome on any historical topic, but especially those that reflect the Mississippi State University History Department’s strengths in the history of science and technology; agricultural, rural, and environmental history; military and diplomatic history; the Civil War; gender history; African American history and civil rights; and the American South.

The paper should be based on original research in primary sources. Interested should submit a proposal or abstract of not more than 400 words to Dr. Andrew Lang and Dr. Muey Saeteurn at by March 1, 2017. Students whose papers have been accepted will be notified by March 15, 2017. The History Department will offset the costs of one night’s lodging for presenters and provide a BBQ banquet dinner on the Symposium’s opening night.

SHUR is on Facebook at

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