The Margaret Walker Center invites proposals for papers, presentations, and panels for the 11thAnnual Creative Arts Festival to be submitted by Friday, March 10, 2017. While the theme of the conference is “Callaloo: 40 Years of Publishing the African Diaspora,” the organizers welcome proposals from high school, undergraduate, and graduate students on any topic.
Proposal submissions should be 250-500 words and should fit in one of four categories:
- Poetry/Spoken Word (10-15-minute presentations in original storytelling or poetry, including brief comments about inspiration &/or form of the work)
- Visual Arts (up to 3 pieces of artwork in any media with 10-minute presentations)
- Written (10-page essays with 20-minute presentations)
- Performing Arts (10-minute dance, musical, and theatrical presentations)
In the case of panel proposals, please submit the names of the participants and the moderator and a brief synopsis of the panel’s topic and of the individual paper proposals.
To submit a proposal, please send a document in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF to