JSU Global

Funding Opportunities
Studying abroad can be affordable. JSU Global works closely with the Financial Aid Office to ensure that cost is not a barrier for study abroad participation. We also work with students to identify and apply for external sources of funding. Check with the Study Abroad Coordinator for additional information and advice.
JSU Global funding:
Currently, JSU Global does not offer scholarships or funding for study abroad. However, please see the list below of external and crowdfunding opportunities.
External funding:
Boren Awards for International Study
Benjamin A. Gillman International Scholarship Program
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants
National Security Education Program
Institute for International Public Policy
Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship Program
Bridging Scholarships for Japan
Freeman Award for Study in Asia
Critical Language Scholarship Program
Scholarship Search Websites
- All Abroad
- Black Excel
- Cappex
- College Board Scholarship Search
- College Resource Network
- DiversityAbroad
- FastWeb
- Federal Student Aid
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- Human Rights Campaign LGBT Scholarship Database
- International Education Financial Aid (IEFA)
- IIE Passport Study Abroad Funding
- International Scholarships
- Mobility International USA
- SallieMae Scholarship Search
- Unigo
- Scholarships 360
- Scholarships.com
- StudyAbroad.com Scholarships
- United Negro College Fund
Suggestions for alternate funding methods:
Using your financial aid is always an option for studying abroad. However, fundraising and crowdfunding are awesome ways to offset costs of studying abroad. Both allow you to make personal appeals to audiences that may want to support your study abroad efforts. Consider more personal funding sources and methods, such as:
- Local business, religious, and civic groups, like Rotary, Lion’s Club, or Kiwanis
- High school alumni organizations
- Local and national chapters of sororities and fraternities
Another alternative for funding sources are crowd funding platforms such as:
Study Abroad Providers funding: